Drink orange juice. Afterward, brush your teeth.
Alternatively, brush your teeth. Afterward, eat something bland like a few saltine crackers to clean your palette, then wait five minutes. Following that, drink your orange juice.
Knowledge Is Power
[elite] Sarutobi ~ Ryland Gomez [elite]
you're fucked if you're on a tight time schedule
Bounafizta says:
My love for u has gotten me detention like 4 times lol
Originally Posted by tacoBELL View Post
you're fucked if you're on a tight time schedule

Originally Posted by Sarutobi View Post
Drink orange juice. Afterward, brush your teeth.

[elite] Sarutobi ~ Ryland Gomez [elite]
This Easter was ridiculous. I go out to eat, get shitty food, horrible service, my mother saw a babbling old woman in the bathroom with her panties down and her legs spread, someone blew ass in the bathroom, I saw a cat get hit by a car, and my brother erased 200 hours worth of game-age.

Just goes to show that you don't need nails and a cross to be crucified. I'm going to go get my thorn crown and try once again to Maya, but I haven't been able to get a hold of Gubbin, so I've been struggling with the program ._.
[elite] Sarutobi ~ Ryland Gomez [elite]
Sounds shit.

My easter was awesome. Sitting around playing pokemon all day with tons of chocolate. But that was yesterday, 5:33PM monday atm.