I'm going to bed now, wake up at fucking midnight and play the entire day.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
I don't see the hype over the game, mechanics weren't the best, story was bland, I still played it, might end up playing fo4, I saw 60 min gameplay, did have a few faults already,
I don't exist
Timer has dropped from 3 hours to aprox 1 hour in steam.
Timer is gone.
Preparing to launch Fallout 4.
Its updating something but not really downloading any data and timer is jumping everywhere.
Fallout running.
Last edited by Zapekk; Nov 10, 2015 at 12:21 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump

It plays much smoother than I expected than a Bethesda game on release. Only experienced one clipping bug in the ~2 hours I played. Crafting system has me picking up almost anything, just in case the junk is useful salvage.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
this game is amazing along with halo 5 so many nice next gen releases
only issue i had with fallout 4 so far was low frame rate at the very beginning i was down to 20 fps then it picked up to 60 so far its a great game
cant wait till black ops 3 downloads on steam
I'm the Event Squad Admin. I am also an ex-Clan Squad member. Have any questions about clans or otherwise? PM me.


Discord: Typhus#0201
splish splash Aeon is still trash
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
It plays much smoother than I expected than a Bethesda game on release. Only experienced one clipping bug in the ~2 hours I played. Crafting system has me picking up almost anything, just in case the junk is useful salvage.

exactly, it doesn't feel like it's using the same shitty engine from the older games.

only issues i've had are the subtitles acting weird (displaying the wrong text) and some consistent fps lag spikes everywhere around diamond city (where all of the buildings and whatnot are).

also yeah i really have enjoyed the way they've implemented the crafting system in this game. i'm really glad that they haven't made the crafting materials weigh you down, but i've really been on the lookout for gears (not anymore, that was towards the start of the game) and steel (absolute bitch to scavenge the amount i want when i'm trying to build a massive metal tower).

enjoying the skill tree as well, i like that every perk has different levels and that each level gives new/better upgrades to the existing perk. some of them are actually crazy good and i can't wait to get leveled up enough to get some of them. my only problem is that i can't figure out what perks to choose, there are too many that i want.