I wouldn't say that he is any more nerdy than the rest of us fucks. He does appear to have some perfectionist traits, however.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
You didn't see how messy and incomplete my first presentation was... I thought that the Stern-Gerlach experiment was carried out by one person (called Mr. Stern Gerlach obviously) and couldn't remember what the results of another experiment I talk about actually proved. I did some sums wrong (mainly because I am retarded at angles round a circle and thought that three 60 degree angles made up a circle, which to be fair has nothing to do with the physics of the talk). Since I used the same presentation for both my maths and my physics teachers I ended up doing the same number as everyone else. My teachers are writing references for our university applications at the moment so it pays to be a try hard right now.
Good morning sweet princess
[21:47] <@Lightningkid> is this a trick question
[21:47] <&Stellar> 4u
[21:47] <&Stellar> idk but I'm wearing boxers
[21:47] <&Stellar> and my nuts feel really weird
[21:47] <@Lightningkid> Lolol
[21:47] <@Lightningkid> freeball it bro
[21:48] <Glimpsed> <&Stellar> and my nuts feel really weird
[21:48] <&Stellar> Wait
[21:48] <&Stellar> LOOK AT MY FUCKING ASS
[21:48] <&Stellar> OMG
[21:49] <&Stellar> I would fuck me
[21:49] <@Lightningkid> you’d fuck anything
[21:49] <@Lightningkid> let’s be real
[06:38.40] <RhaePhone> Um.. So some guys of TLDR justinvaded the Origib chat and started kicking people n shit,saying TLDR will be reborn and stuff. Will this still happen?

Lol, you fun-loving kids..
Originally Posted by Ele View Post
[06:38.40] <RhaePhone> Um.. So some guys of TLDR justinvaded the Origib chat and started kicking people n shit,saying TLDR will be reborn and stuff. Will this still happen?

Lol, you fun-loving kids..

>Oh my god, did this actually happen?
#This is fucking amazing.
Silver Elite Master. Fml.
Ele | Morals | JackMorris
23:27:24 - Glimpsed: umm
23:27:26 - Glimpsed: now watch me die
23:27:30 - Glimpsed: -roulette
23:27:31 - Botty: *tick*
23:27:36 - Wizard: -roulette
23:27:36 - Botty: *tick*
23:27:36 - Wizard: -roulette
23:27:36 - Botty: *tick*
23:27:37 - Glimpsed: >.>
23:27:38 - Wizard: -roulette
23:27:38 - Botty: *tick*
23:27:39 - Wizard: -roulette
23:27:39 - Botty: *tick*
23:27:40 - Wizard: -roulette
23:27:40 - Botty: *tick*
23:27:41 - Wizard: -roulette
23:27:41 - Botty: *tick*
23:27:42 - Wizard: -roulette
23:27:55 - Glimpsed: -loadthefuckinggun
23:28:03 - Glimpsed: -roulette
23:28:03 - Botty: *tick*
23:28:26 - Arctic: -roulette
23:28:27 - Botty: *tick*
23:28:39 - TheAnimal: -roulette
23:28:40 - Botty: *tick*
23:28:46 - Chirs: i swear you didn't load the gun
23:28:56 - TheAnimal: then load it
23:28:59 - Glimpsed: -roulette
23:29:00 - Botty: *tick*
23:29:02 - Arctic: -roulette
23:29:02 - Glimpsed: -roulette
23:29:02 - Botty: *tick*
23:29:02 - Botty: *tick*
23:29:04 - Arctic: -roulette
23:29:04 - Botty: *tick*
23:29:05 - Arctic: -roulette
23:29:05 - Botty: *tick*
23:29:06 - Arctic: -roulette
23:29:06 - Botty: *tick*
23:29:07 - Arctic: -roulette
23:29:07 - Glimpsed: -roulette
23:29:07 - Botty: *tick*
23:29:07 - Botty: *tick*
23:29:08 - Glimpsed: -roulette
23:29:08 - Arctic: -roulette
23:29:08 - Botty: *tick*
23:29:08 - Botty: *tick*
23:29:09 - Arctic: -roulette
23:29:11 - Botty: *tick*
23:29:12 - Arctic: aaaaA
23:29:17 - Arctic: is it broken
23:29:21 - Glimpsed: i think
23:29:22 - Arctic: -ROULETTE
23:29:23 - Arctic was kicked by Botty: *BOOM*.
23:29:24 - Arctic [] joined.
23:29:26 - Glimpsed: XD
23:29:26 - Chirs: hahahaa
23:29:29 - Arctic: asshole
23:29:30 - TheAnimal: xDDD
23:29:36 - Glimpsed: omg amazing
23:29:39 - Chirs: I can't breathe
23:29:42 - Chirs: xD
23:29:47 - Wizard: -ROULETTE
23:29:48 - Botty: *tick*

Way to post the same thing again, Glimpsed
Last edited by Chirs; Jun 22, 2015 at 11:34 PM.
We need to check and see if it goes off only when you type in caps. Because if not, it seems that Botty's random number generator isn't picking a number between 1-6 and then rolling a die.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
roulette.lua code:
return function(irc)
local bullets = 6
irc:add_command("roulette", "roulette", function(irc, state, channel, msg)
channel = irc:lower(channel)
local game = irc.linda:get("games.roulette." .. channel)
if not game then
game = {
bullets = math.random(bullets)
game.bullets = game.bullets - 1
if game.bullets >= 1 then
return "*tick*"
irc.linda:set("games.roulette." .. channel, nil)
irc:send("KICK", channel, state.nick, "*BOOM*")
end, false)

This is what I found in the source code, so if you really want to have a look go ahead but I crba.
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
I don't know code. But it seems like it should work, if I understand correctly that there are six "bullets" and the magic number is "1".
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.