Originally Posted by Rolandman View Post
Belt (black belt):7th dan
Why you want to join us?I would like to join a clan that respects their fellow members and has slightly good forum activity. Which this clan has.
Their infractions / ban (please be honest):Nope
How many languages ​​you speak:1
Special skills: (market, art, events)Making music.
Have previous clans? whom and why leave?:Violent. ded.
Their level of activity in the forum and in game:forum 7 ingame 8.
How long you play toribash:10 months
Was invited by someone?Dealornawt
Read the rules?yes
A small bibliography
Your user card:
How you can help us?You could use my music into clan video if you haven't made a clan vid yet.

Well that seemed to a nice application, that's already a good point, but
I want to see how you doin' ingame, send me a PM when you feel ready to get this test done.
About music, b!tc* please, I'm a Dj. (:
█▀ ▀█ | Hungarian Dj | too OLDA | [l],[M]
Originally Posted by Rolandman View Post
Belt (black belt):7th dan
Why you want to join us?I would like to join a clan that respects their fellow members and has slightly good forum activity. Which this clan has.
Their infractions / ban (please be honest):Nope
How many languages ​​you speak:1
Special skills: (market, art, events)Making music.
Have previous clans? whom and why leave?:Violent. ded.
Their level of activity in the forum and in game:forum 7 ingame 8.
How long you play toribash:10 months
Was invited by someone?Dealornawt
Read the rules?yes
A small bibliography
Your user card:
How you can help us?You could use my music into clan video if you haven't made a clan vid yet.

Nah, this app sucks. Btw, i've changed the limit of yesses. Now everyone will need 5 yesses or 3 no
So, you've 3 yessses, 1 neutral and 1 no. wait some time.
hello my name is jontae i will be applying for metal today let me start off by saying i speak two languages Japanese and English i live in america my skill set is moderately good i am quite active on toribash forums i can make good heads(tribal) I am 13 years old i am i believe 6:00 gmt i like to joke around but i can be serious i needed the reason i want to join you is i wish to be a great addition in metal like i would like to be in a great clan. And this will conclude my application today.oh im a 4th dan black belt i was banned because my friend sold me a head and when i was done with it i sold it but they said i stole the head it was a 3 month infraction
Last edited by jontaetodd; Sep 25, 2013 at 12:56 PM.
I've made my choice to try this.
Hey, I'm going to introduce myself. I live in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. I'm 13 years old. Sometimes I can't online on Monday-Thursday (GMT +7). I don't speak English very well, so you can correct my grammar. My main was a black belt. I didn't use it anymore because I was inactive for months. I want to join Metal because I've stalked this clan (no homo) and found this clan is so active. My previous clans were violent resolution and extreme. I left violent because I don't really want to join and I was invited by a random person. I left extreme because I feel I've been ignored by the members there. For infractions anyway, there's a warning for this account, a spam warning. My bad, I posted something useless. My favorite mods are wushu and aikido (both big and small sized dojo). I'm not really good at arts, but.. these are samples of my artworks:



I know you guys are better than me. But I'd love to help you guys for making arts. Of course, for free. Still learning how to shade objects, mapping textures, and making sketches.
Note: My immaturity sometimes come up, feel free to warn me.
Last edited by Azure; Sep 25, 2013 at 02:25 PM.
Jon - No for now because I have reason to belive you are a clan hopper but I will look into it and edit this if you are or are not.
P.s you have to leave your clan before applying for a new one.

Azure - Yes from me, the application could have been better but you seem like a nice guy and you seem forum active.
Last edited by Goughy; Sep 25, 2013 at 01:19 PM.

@Jontaetodd Sorry, but I'm afraid I'm gonna say No. There was no effort in your application at all. Please put in more effort next time if you truly want to apply for Metal

@Azure Errr, I'm not so sure about you man. I've met you ingame a few times, and you gave me a pretty good impression. Still, i'm gonna go with my instincts and give you a Yes.

@Roland Well bro, you're a cool dude. Yes from me.
Shoot me a PM if you have any queries!