Hi! I would like to join [Sheep].... so here we go!

Name: Moongoosed
Belt: Brown ( about 400 to black )
Time Played: eeeh.... I started my acc 6 months ago. But I have been REALLY inactive in Tori :/ But im going ot be more active I guess =D
Why I want to join [Sheep]: It looks like a nice clan with nice members ( no belt "limit"!!!! ) But I dont have any friends in teh clan though :S
about: Have been inactive, but is starting to be active again. Skateboarding or playing guitar when not gaming.
huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, whawawawawa...
Originally Posted by Moongoosed View Post
But I have been REALLY inactive in Tori :/ But im going ot be more active I guess =D

You guess. :| I think for a more positive application, the phrase should have been
Originally Posted by Moongoosed View Post
But I have been REALLY inactive in Tori :/ But im going ot be more active for sure=D

Originally Posted by Moongoosed View Post
But I dont have any friends in teh clan though :S

Log into Or IRC ^ as pirate demonstrated in the above posts, and get to know us.....if we think youre a complete asshole expect to be banned. So first impressions.
Originally Posted by Moongoosed View Post
Skateboarding or playing guitar when not gaming.

+10 brownie points for that statement
Name: Kips
Belt: White, blue soon
Time Played: approximately two weeks (only got the game to work recently)
Why I want to join [Sheep]: I'm sick of being a joke. It took me over 2 months to get this game to even work, nobody takes me seriously because of my belt. I try to join clans and nobody realizes the hard worker, the good friend, the nice guy, the quick learning player, or anything. They only see white belt, and I want that to change. I want to play with players that can see over some stupid belt color.
about: 17 years old, very fast learner, interests are music and sports, favorite mode is Aikido, limited access for the rest of this month into the 10th of september but normally I'm a very active player, my goal is to win 10 matches a day.
Originally Posted by Kips
I'm sick of being a joke. It took me over 2 months to get this game to even work, nobody takes me seriously because of my belt. I try to join clans and nobody realizes the hard worker, the good friend, the nice guy, the quick learning player, or anything. They only see white belt, and I want that to change. I want to play with players that can see over some stupid belt color

That... has to be the most sensible defence I have ever laid eyes on. I don't know if its enough to guarantee a spot, but if you and me ever cross paths...
Originally Posted by Kips View Post
Name: Kips
Belt: White, blue soon
Time Played: approximately two weeks (only got the game to work recently)
Why I want to join [Sheep]: I'm sick of being a joke. It took me over 2 months to get this game to even work, nobody takes me seriously because of my belt. I try to join clans and nobody realizes the hard worker, the good friend, the nice guy, the quick learning player, or anything. They only see white belt, and I want that to change. I want to play with players that can see over some stupid belt color.
about: 17 years old, very fast learner, interests are music and sports, favorite mode is Aikido, limited access for the rest of this month into the 10th of september but normally I'm a very active player, my goal is to win 10 matches a day.

This is one of the best applications I've seen in the [Sheep] board. I've seen you around on IRC too, you seem alright.

PM me and we'll fight.
ehm... my IrC just shut down itself and I cant start it again :S
Im sorry for that... I have tried to download it again but it wont work.
Just if u wonder why I am inactive in IRC
huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, whawawawawa...
can i join my current rank is 368 i'm blue belt and i'm good at aikido/sambo betabox and tk i'm also good in single player
Last edited by wazz; Sep 10, 2008 at 09:24 PM.
Originally Posted by Chac View Post

Come on now, Chac.

First, we make the poll, then we crush their hopes and dreams.
Wow, you've had your fair share of desperate idiots.

Idiots, if you are going to apply to this clan, at least make sure you are able to write more than one line with broken english, bragging about your rank, etc.
My rank is 25k. It simply doesn't matter. Show us you have a sense of humour, and that you are a sociable person.

Serious business.

Liek, srsly guise.
Last edited by Chac; Sep 12, 2008 at 11:37 AM.
|11:33| »» [shark] so you're saying that you just paid 80 euros for pussy
|11:33| »» [Quit] [x] shark [] [Quit:]