facade closed my irl friend's app because facade sux

i'm not gonna make him re-apply so just have your opinions here.
SHam it deepends if he is active at all. if he is joining because he is going to play more and talk, then yes. If he is only joining because a friend is in it and not going on again, then no.

So maybe at the moment.
He is figuring this game out as we speek. I'm helping him out in multiplayer and he's messing around in SP. I think he'll start posting alot.
Helloys people!
'm back with... well ... myself !
I basicly ''know'' all of you guys and have met some
I'm way too lazy for arts but replays are my ''speciality'' .. i don't have any to show cause my main pc died and i'm on mi laptop. Also........

I like dem giraffes ; D
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Originally Posted by NinoRossii View Post
Helloys people!
'm back with... well ... myself !
I basicly ''know'' all of you guys and have met some
I'm way too lazy for arts but replays are my ''speciality'' .. i don't have any to show cause my main pc died and i'm on mi laptop. Also........

I like dem giraffes ; D

Maybe if you knew how to spell; I revised it for you:

Hello people!
I'm back with... well ...myself!
I basically ''know'' all of you guys and have met some.
I'm way too lazy for arts, but replays are my ''specialty'' .. I don't have any to show cause my main pc died and i'm on my laptop. Also........

I like dem giraffes ; D

That's not what we want to hear.

No thank you.
ok. and sham i can use propper grammar if you want so.

Ok so hello guys.
i'm nino, some already know me and others don't..
I have been inactive for a quite while and now looking for a ''family''.
I have been looking at your posts/threads and i really like your clan spirit.
I'm not good at art that has to be done fast ._. ..
I'm really looking forward to getting my new pc .. to make some replays.
i'm now on my laptop because my pc died.So that's pretty much it..
I like giraffes and other animals too Alot
i hope i didn't waste your time.
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Originally Posted by NinoRossii View Post
Ok. and sham I can use proper grammar if you want me to.

Ok, so hello guys.
I'm nino, some already know me, and others don't.
I have been inactive for a quite a while and now looking for a ''family''.
I have been looking at your posts/threads and i really like your clan spirit.
I'm not good at art that has to be done fast.
I'm really looking forward to getting my new pc to make some replays.
I'm now on my laptop because my pc died. So that's pretty much it.
I like giraffes and other animals too a lot
I hope I didn't waste your time.

Still not proper.

Still a no from me.
Originally Posted by NinoRossii View Post
ok. and sham i can use propper grammar if you want so.

Ok so hello guys.
i'm nino, some already know me and others don't..
I have been inactive for a quite while and now looking for a ''family''.
I have been looking at your posts/threads and i really like your clan spirit.
I'm not good at art that has to be done fast ._. ..
I'm really looking forward to getting my new pc .. to make some replays.
i'm now on my laptop because my pc died.So that's pretty much it..
I like giraffes and other animals too Alot
i hope i didn't waste your time.

Fuck you, you suck.

[RAWR]SlipAnc: two girls, one Siku
[RAWR]Siku: I was talking about having dicks in my mouth