hey hey

i just pmed GenX
bt hes not online
hope to get a reply soon,
hope to be able to call all of you 'fellow clan mates' soon
oh n tivo i tried gong to clan site bt it says im using an invalid ip?
Welcome to the Clan Sp1dey999! GenX000 Will add you and PJJ to the list once he gets on.

About the site, its been having some problems at the moment. Been working on quite a few things with it. It will be full throttle soon here.
Are you new to Toribash and looking to join a clan? Join [NEWB]
Clan Newb Toribash Thread
cool n thanks
it so cool that finally us NEWBs have a place to go it really great
i was thinking of the doing same (making a newb clan, but named SAS(after the british special army)) but i decided not to based om the fact that im completely inexperienced and would probably mess everything up...
Well we are glad to have you here Sp1dey999! Dont forget to be active and let everyone know about Clan NEWB. Also please be respectful to other players and our members. Also there are a couple Nabi Noob tourneys coming up and i would like to see everyone that can compete at these. I would go to them as i dont qualify to compete anymore i cant. I will go to try and atleast cheer on who ever is competeing in the tourny. Plus if you win we will put your name and what you have achieved in the achievements. Good Luck everyone! Also if you have replays you guys want in the NEWB video please send them to ME or GenX000! Thanks and good luck to everyone!
Are you new to Toribash and looking to join a clan? Join [NEWB]
Clan Newb Toribash Thread
yeah ive done my signiture up to advertise NEWB to everyone

nice huh? took me a while to do as it my first time doing a sig. i incorporated the logo colors in the word NEWB
when are the tourneys? can you give me GMT time pls
ah im blue belt can i still enter the newb tourneys?
n one last thing: must i post replays here for the clan vid?
Last edited by SP1DEY999; Mar 20, 2008 at 03:45 PM.