Originally Posted by TheDog96 View Post
That was creative Yourface.

Also a think we (atlantic) had before was the little Achievements board.
Shall we do it :3?

Maybe. I'll think about it.

Originally Posted by perica View Post
I suggest we make more random disscusions , like the shoes one . :P

No. We have enough places to spam. Let's not turn this place a spam hole. I don't want to see threads similar to random shit. We can make a serious one though or at least less spammy and ontopic, etc.
Last edited by Uberis; Jul 6, 2011 at 11:23 AM.
I think we should get an event going. We always made plans for events but we never came through with them.
Originally Posted by Cole View Post
I think we should get an event going. We always made plans for events but we never came through with them.

Wait what?
> Piratez
Originally Posted by Cole View Post
I think we should get an event going. We always made plans for events but we never came through with them.

You're not in Piratez.
Not giving a fuck about hurricanes is pretty badass - Fee

Originally Posted by Cole View Post
I think we should get an event going. We always made plans for events but we never came through with them.

Yeah your not in piratez so.....

and we should also have a thread for..... more random things like someone said.

Thanks to cole we gone off-topic on all topics. except music.
And i'm going off-topic again.

I suggest trying an inner competition... maybe?
> Piratez
I still like to think of myself a member, since I post more then 80% of the members here, aha.

EDIT:Sorry I didn't see that I am blacklisted, this here is my last post. I will not bother you with my posts any longer. It seems the only sensible member who has not been brainwashed by the newfags is Yourface. o7 Yourface. Goodbye Piratez.
Last edited by Cole; Jul 11, 2011 at 03:49 AM.
finally your gone!!
God-damn you were so annoying.

hmmm a pirate con sure does seem like a good idea any one else think that
