Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by KayRal View Post
All my dreams makes no sense... its sad.

What dreams actually make sense?
Just tell them, randomness is fun :D
My dweam was that I was in teh magical fowest of rainbowz and I finnawy got mah gowden saddle of pwetty pwincesses!
all my dreams involve a giant snake diving into the ocean, me stabbing an apple and eventually me firing a handgun. should look up some freud and see what that means.
|11:33| »» [shark] so you're saying that you just paid 80 euros for pussy
|11:33| »» [Quit] [x] shark [pee@NUP-6C9C98D4.elisa-laajakaista.fi] [Quit:]
i had a dream where me and my friends were in my backyard in our bikini's and bathing suits.
then we got the idea to pull out my little brothers slip 'n slide. and as we did that. my male friend pulled out a ramp out of his pocket, i was like wtf?

and he put the slip 'n slide on top as a speed ramp. haha

so i went; when i hit the ramp, there was a kiddie pool to catch us.. pretty fun.

then i woke up and decided to do the real thing. because i knew we had the same materials.

so blah blah blah we set it up and it worked as it did in the dream and when it was my male friends turn. he started stretching as if he was going to run a mile. and me and my friend staci were like... -_-?

and he went into the house to tell my brother to watch, and as he did that we got dish soap and 'sudded the slip 'n slyde.<---- slyde.... wow?

and when he came back he didnt notice the soap so he dashed and slid.. and he went soo fast, he missed the kiddie pool. and landed on loose rocks ,... ouch.. but i lol'd so hard.
i went boom then arrows gatherd near me i grabed one and then i found a girl that is unimaginably beautiful then b4 i got to her i fell into a ditch then i woke up really pissed and sad at the same time..
dreams i remenber thats a hard one xD but i have one:
i was running to my house then a gigantic spirit appears in the top of my house i was like WTF then he sed im going to kill unless you give me ...(dream end) i was like wtf dream... next day i dreamt about it again -.-:
he sed give me ...(dream end (i know its kinda stupid)) next day i dreamed again (WTF):
he sed give me 1 dollar... i was like wtf NO fuck you bitch poped up a ultra gun from nowhere and killed that spirit(dream real end) i woke on my bathroom (wtf)got up hited my head on something hited the flor got up again hited the head again -.- then i found the door and went to sleep ... weird isnt it?
dArKsId3 - Best dumbass ever;A guy - who??;dArKsId3 - Me you dumbass
My last dream (actually one of the last dreams because I can't remember others) was where I was an Uber cool kid in school... :P
So it was gym class time and everybody could do what ever they want. I played basketball with an stupid peace of shit ball (I think it was poo for real!) so I threw it in to my friends face I said sorry and then I stopped playing the weird basketball. So I have improved my hand standing skills in real life (I trained all summer) so I could stand on elbows, one hand, on head and on shoulders (I just can stand one both hands and walk but everything was cool in the dream) I wanned to show off my dream girl so I walked on hands to her and stood on an elbow she said be careful, so I walked away then I was head spinning and breakdnacing it was so cool but then she teleported again to me and dodged my accidental kick :P So it was pretty it....

Another cool dream that I dreamed while ago...
My school has 4 floors so I made a breakdancing band in 4th floor. I was training with my friends (my classmate, my dream girl and another black guy dude.) There were like 2 groups, my dream girl's favorite band is black eyed peas so she was in the group but they were brake dancers... I was confused. Then she came to my group again and I was making cool moves like in previous dream. Then some robots were in 4th floor(something like robbers, some evil robots.) So ppl started to move back and go to everyones class, I went closer to my dream girl and put my hand on her shoulder and said 3,2,1 RUUNN!!!! So my classmate was in the band too and yeah we started running to the 3rd floor then we were on brooms or something, we were flying down really fast. We flew till 2nd floor and then to other staircase we flew up to 4th floor because we had our class there. So there were caves like shortcuts and yeah it didn't really matter if we took a shortcut we were too fast for those robots. Finally we made it to our class History. I saw a gigantic dead spider on the teachers desk. He said something smart to me and my friend we went to sit in the last lines. My dream girl was sitting next to me I was so happy(we even started to flirt :P) then somehow time changed back till the running moment again I flew to 2nd floor and again up to 4th floor. Again we came in the History class and again the gigantic spider was there. The teacher said again something smart and cut off spider's skin or something and it was our magical hats. I looked cool with it thou :P again I was sitting in last lines but my dream girl was somewhere else and I was a hero with my friend in class without s reason and then I woke up...
I was having sex with this girl. The dream was super realistic and stuff, and then i woke up.
bring back wibbles