hey its me i posted so if you would like 2 ill join

hey its me i posted so if you would like 2 ill join

He, it's me! I posted here, so I would like to join.

Last edited by may0naise; Aug 21, 2008 at 02:43 PM.
Well either your grammer sucks or you dont speak fluent need to post your belt and why you wanna join.

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hey i would like to join the clan

my belt is black

any server will do for me

i want to join becuzi want to be in a official clan so ppl will stop calling me noobish
Last edited by irobot306; Aug 21, 2008 at 04:18 PM.
Do you speak fluent english? Or just a little?

What belt are you?

Why do you want to join?

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i speak english so im in?

I undeleted this to clear this up.
First i have to at least know what belt you are. Example Blue, White, Yellow, Black, 3rd Dan, Master.
Second. If your Black belt and over, a co leader, or hoodlum will test you, and if you pass you are in.

Last edited by may0naise; Aug 21, 2008 at 06:15 PM.
Originally Posted by dentian View Post
i am only trainee how do i get higher?

Yea, a Co-leader or me just has to know your in the clan.
^Basically means yes your in; your not a trainee, your a member of the clan. ...Welcome

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