Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Hi. I decided to make this free-form application to take parts in the many various and exciting in-game and forum events and discussion that populate the Phantom clan, and to give my fingers the joy to type on my keyboard for a long time. It really is phenomenal.

First off, let's cover off information about myself, my family, my intersts and then, herp-a-derp, let's talk about me and the game Toribash. Seems logical.

I am a twelve year old. Now hear me out on this one, twelve year old. Yeah that's a bit young to be playing this game, let alone join a clan the likes of Phantom, but i have confidence that i'm up for it. Being pessimistic is something i usually only do when i'm walking on a precarious ledge hanging over a 10.000 feet drop. I am a girl from Italy with a relatively good understanding of the English language and it's basics. I also seem to be pretty good with at recognising and applying the basic grammatical concepts of the full stop and capital letter. I kinda went off on a little tangent there, and for that, i apologize. I am homeschooled, which means plenty of time to play some awesome games the likes of Toribash, Team Fortress 2 aaand... that's pretty much everything off the top of my head. But it also means bad, as i have to study the entire school year on my own, and due to my generally slacking attitude, i don't do that well. I have a sixteen year old brother whose main passion is to make me jelaous with his beast of a computer. Though it's a passion hetched so deep inside his heart he probably doesn't know about it.
I am addicted to computers to a borderline unhealthy extent. I am also an audiophile, meaning that i buy expensive headphones, amplifiers, DACs and whatnot to listen to the music that i like the most in an eargasm-type quality. I also like to make videos, primarily of TF2 since that's the only game that doesn't fuck out on me when recording, though i still haven't uploaded any TF2 gameplay on my channel (ColteeYT) because i don't have a microphone of a good enough quality. I am also a little bit autist and OCD. Most everything that i see has to be symmetrical in some way, unless the lack of symmetry improves the usefulness of what i see as asymmetrical (for example, medicines on a shelf that are asymmetrical but properly ordered).

Now moving on to Toribash itself and why i want to join Phantom. First off, i am a Green Belt, but i had an account which i believe was a 9th dan black belt. Back in 2008. So i got rusty, and MocroGunz can definitely agree with me, as i have fought him four times or so and failed every single one. He's pro. That also brings me to the Phantom clan. I met MocroGunz and, i guess you could say, i befriended him? Not sure. We didn't meet for much really. Enough to talk and make a shame of myself in-game, as i tend to do. So i consider my meeting and chatting with him to be some sort of "recommendation". I recommended myself to join Phantom on the basis of a leader whose personality and in-game skills are to be respected. The main thing that i do in Toribash is... play it. Duh, right? Lately i've been interested in pimping out my character to it's fullest extent (the colour combination would be OldGold + Knox and full texture set). But that takes a lot of ToriCredits to do. Yeah, i'm not exactly the richest person there is in this game. In fact, i might just be one of the poorest. Who knows, that might change in the future, but it's unlikely. I don't check the forums TOO TOO much, maybe like once or twice a day. But i suppose that's enough. From my point of view it is just enough, combined with the hours of gaming that i spend, to make Toribash a great game, and joining Phantom would only further increase that sense of awesomeness that you get any time you turn on the game and do a 360 spin decap for a total of a million+ points. If... that ever happens.

Well that pretty much concludes my free-form application. My hands will thank me later for this. I hope i get considered for this clan!
Hum, let me see, the application was "good".

Big apps =/= Excelent apps

Anyway, my vote is yes, BUUUUT, you should be more active (:

Also, are you fat ? by: papasmurfa
jirado no viraya
Originally Posted by texatz View Post
Hum, let me see, the application was "good".

Big apps =/= Excelent apps

Anyway, my vote is yes, BUUUUT, you should be more active (:

Also, are you fat ? by: papasmurfa

I will do my best to be more active on the forums =)
No, i'm not fat. I... don't know why you asked though =P
Probably asked because we are humorous fellows...well most of us. Now on to the evaluation you seem to have a good head on your shoulders I admire the vocabulary and eagerness, detail is always good you threw a couple curse words in there which is always fun, good work ethic, I say that we take her in she's the first decent app in a while. Not to mention had an actual reason for coming here not just some 9 year old who saw the clan tag and thought phantoms....sounds legit and started clicking things. I believe this will make a fine addition to our band of cohorts.
Present to me the most beautiful woman, and I shall reward you with chronos
I say yes, but ya first we should have you as a trial member to see if you are active. Try stopping by on the irc occasionally too. But ya, good app etc. edit: texatz is a liar ;-;
Quitting toribash dawg
Aww you guys are too kind with me =P

Originally Posted by papasmurfa View Post
I say yes, but ya first we should have you as a trial member to see if you are active. Try stopping by on the irc occasionally too. But ya, good app etc. edit: texatz is a liar ;-;

I can be active on the forums etc. but i'm not too sure how to access the IRC so if i get accepted i would appreciate if you gave me some directions.
So far things are looking in your favor, also just follow the irc thread to get to there.
Present to me the most beautiful woman, and I shall reward you with chronos
My god......we actually got a member that made an app so long that I didn't read it past the first paragraph. Regardless, you have my yes. Good vocab for a 12 yr. Old

And now i decided to read the full app. Finally somebody that combines the suffix -gasm, with a body part
Last edited by Leaf; Jun 15, 2012 at 09:23 AM.

Are you an artist and want to make a decent amount of TC? Check out this thread.
Originally Posted by MegaCash View Post
My god......we actually got a member that made an app so long that I didn't read it past the first paragraph. Regardless, you have my yes. Good vocab for a 12 yr. Old

And now i decided to read the full app. Finally somebody that combines the suffix -gasm, with a body part

Also, I'll go ahead and say yes to Coltee. The only concerns I have are her forum and IRC activity. I do see her ingame quite often. I also don't know if she's really a girl. I don't really want to get into that right now though. XD
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