Can you stop boosting your own ego , I know your better than me . Go (bleep)ing shout it out over the mountains.

Jaco's just jelous. ;O

(jk mate)


Anyway, Sahee, you're saying, we gotta hunt you down in wushu, and ask you if you want to duel? ("You" being your chosen four)

If so, the same applies to us, yes?
collect snots from the nose
Yeah, I know kai, and guess what, I was playing with my friend at like, midnight on a server I didn't intend anyone to get in, and in you come. You break the news that the rules had been changed so I did wushu, you beat me either by skill or because I was falling asleep (used to going to sleep early cuz of school >.<) at my desk, either way, it wasn't scheduled. And the only spectator was my friend who is from neither clan, had played the game for less than a half hour, and who you muted.
This cant be overlooked.
1. I didn't intend to play you, I was in a server with a belt min that you could not have entered without admin powers. You would not have gotten in without them therefore it was not intended, not to mention the min was something like 200000, so nobody was intended to get in.
2. You changed the rules without anybody's knowing...
3. I changed the mod to wushu because jengatower.tbm is not a clan war mod, and this is supposed to be a wushu war, your rules were entirely different.
4. Our "spectator" was not spectating, was in the qeue, had been muted my kai, was a white belt, is not registered on the forums, and who still does not know what is going on and probably does not care.

So, basically what your trying to say is, after getting into a server without the other players intention while we had different rules in our heads up until the wushu match, in which at which time we both had the wrong idea of the rules. You are willing to compromise the win you got against me across seperate rules, counting it with a spectator who is even registered on the forums or in either clan, you should get the win you got against me when the fight was not scheduled.
Does anyone else see a bit of a problem here?

Jeremy - You can train a n00b, but he'll just be a trained n00b...
Meh I don't like how you tried to organize this, Kai. That's just going shitty before it even started, I thought RA and DD will manage to do it just fine, but it seems some people are acting like children and their shit is slipping out of control already. Acting like noobz ;P. (bleep) that, I'm not interested in fighting any clan in such mess. This "battle" was just waste of effort, time, attention and thought.
As soon as I get my internet back in my house (that's a laptop in work, with crappy download/upload limit, so I'd rather not play tb on it), I challenge Kai and zygxxx to meet me and SnowflakeG, anytime, anywhere, preferably in wushu, our serv. Those 4 people, cause they were most involved in that mess, and most willing to fight. Rules of no copycatting and not overspamming same crappy openers obviously apply, like anytime fighting with RAs. Have some style, and play with dignity ;).
If anybody else from this clan wants to get a piece of us - come get some, you don't need to have a "back up", like zyg does (and yea, if you will be doing what you did again, you'll be banned temporaily from our server, again, with no problem, you just turn that red light in my head ;P). Come to our server, or whatever, and you don't need to call it a "battle with RA", just need to enter and try to own us... Or to socialize with us, if you're smarter, like Gynx, it seems.
In case you want to know our skills better - why would you like to do that, tho? - come to our forum, check out our replays and shiz all around, we don't need to spend time struggling to organize a "fight".
Let's get neutral, and don't argue about this over and over again. What's your reply?
Please, post it in our forums now, here, as it would be easier and sooner for us to spot.
Last edited by Sahee; Sep 25, 2008 at 07:24 PM.
deady: "Sahee (...) you bitter Pollock (...)"
Originally Posted by Kai-Tiger View Post
way to kill the mood

as for fighters i think 4 will do and to make it easier why not just make it when our members fight we record it this way we all dont have to get our lazy ass outta bed to woop another lazy guys ass.

so if ya see 1 or more of the 4 chosen fighters challenge us save the outcome and post it in your thread and ours will to.

Originally Posted by Sahee View Post
k, but who is in your rep?
and I still think that having at least one spectator would make things more straight ;p. I've seen such spec-less duels go as they shouldn't. Few guys edited, during duels with me, our replays, and admitted it waaay later ;).
I think we'll have

I'll wait to speak with skullo tho, is he interested. If not, then maldi would be able to take his place ;).
So I'll be back there shortly.

Who's on your side?

im sorry but it looks to me like you said "k" to these rules so wtf is the problem i was under the impression you didnt mind, 2nd i cant tell what server has a password or Qi limit, 3rd you never told me to leave and i challenged you you said the jenga 1 wont count so i let u set up watever you wanted it was wushu i won.

i have no problem letting it slide but going off at me like i tried to pull a fast 1 aint gonna work.

...Or to socialize with us, if you're smarter, like Gynx, it seems.

Thanks, glad that i was noticed.

Anyway, i have to agree with Sahee with his post, this war is kind've a waste of everything we put into it, and that the following challenge:

I challenge Kai and zygxxx to meet me and SnowflakeG, anytime, anywhere, preferably in wushu, our serv. Those 4 people, cause they were most involved in that mess, and most willing to fight.

And the following rules:

Rules of no copycatting and not overspamming same crappy openers obviously apply, like anytime fighting with RAs. Have some style, and play with dignity ;).

Should be accepted, seeing as it looks like we've got our way on this one, maybe a little unfairly, but the offer's there, take it.
collect snots from the nose
Do we have any clan tourneys
~Rainbow Belt|[Tint]|Rank 32~
~GameMaster|BISH|GameGrad|ORMO|ToriPrime L-Mod~


Toribash World Championship 2011 Runner Up

<AlphasoniK> Kristis: What the fuck is wrong with you, rainbow loving panda freak.
Seriously, try to piss standing up for a change. No life girly pants dimwit.