Originally Posted by OveRK1LL View Post
Regarding 3, the ability to have sex with something, and the ability to reproduce, are two different things, just because you can screw an alien, doesn't mean you can have children.

I meant like...genitalia position or whatnot.
I haven't played the game, but I'm willing to bet it's implied that the aliens you can screw have openings/protrusions in all the right places :P
Most likely. The asari don't reproduce like the other species, but it is implied at a certain point that krogans are very... Well equipped.

Also, am i the only one who finds it rather odd that all the alien species can speak perfectly good English? (With some accent here and there, but still)
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Totally better than Mass Effect

I'll buy this since I saw positive reviews from the both you guys and the T.V.

Nice game.
Originally Posted by eddy1217 View Post
Damn, exclusives are bullshit imo

I wonder why you say that.
Also, just finished it. Epic shite. :D
Originally Posted by AlphasoniK View Post
I think I know who your sexual partner was.

If your guess was Tali, then you were right. :p
Perhaps I should change my avatar.