assazin and nohead still haven't got on our new forums
they are still on dsc

c2 you are totally right
i mostly play wushu because i'm not good and want to learn
i'm decent at wushu -what i'm learning now
good at lenshu -favorite
great at aikido -my best mod but i played to much and got bored
and bad at aikidobd -i hates it
Free Pv2Caribou
General info
Legate - The leader of TLL.

Gone Fishin' - Seems to have drowned.

Centurion - An elite member who stands head and shoulders above the rest.


Legionarys - The basic members of TLL.

Recruit - They're still learning the ropes.

how to move up the ladder:
be active: post multiple times daily
be meaningful: quality over quantity a bunch of useless posts gets you nowhere
be friendly: if we like you you're more likely to get promoted etc.

Check the memberlist once in a while. If there is a star after your card you are being discussed for promotion!
If there is a ~, it means you're a whole load of crap.

Last edited by Fear; Feb 27, 2011 at 02:55 PM.
ise i loved that game
i got it for xbla a few weeks ago
epic boss battles cool graphics
creepy sounds
Free Pv2Caribou
WINNERS of the orion running event
First place
very nice relaxed run sexy flip/decap very smooth

Second place
solid run solid decap overall a very solid replay

Third place
very well done if only you had decaped on the first hit

prizes will be as follow
Macrid: viridian lax
kill: 2 texture trails
glawl: a head texture
Last edited by Orion; Feb 8, 2011 at 12:47 AM.
Free Pv2Caribou
read the first post
fear needs to make a new bank
or orion
Last edited by Senpai; Dec 31, 2010 at 01:11 PM.