I would go steal people's stuff just for the sake of it and kill an endangered animal and frame someone i dont like
I finally took a shower :D
It'd have to be something depraved. I'm liking the idea of 'peeling' random people, y'know, liberate them of skin.

Then sit back & watch the reactions from everyone in the area, that'd be priceless. One second your talking to someone, the next the drop dead with no skin. Awesome. ^_^

Would make some epic news reports too! "MYSTERY DISEASE PEELS A TOWN" etc

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
PARADOX unrealistit ! jk

i would pick pamala anderson's nose and rub it in goerge bushes face
that prick didnt eat his greens

:D click it and make me happy :D
Originally Posted by steve View Post

ROFL that made me fucking LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'd fucking rape Megan fox! And kill people I hate, cut off that Osama bin Laden's head off keep his body in a bag, and his head in a jar, go to Hampa's house and change his to due list to say,

Assign Dargoba to be a SuperModerator.

Then... Blow up a bank, and take all the money, then.... Go to the white house to take a Picture of myself on Obamas head.

All under 1 hour!

Then when time resumes give Osama's head to the FBI and claim my bounty of 25,000,000$.
Last edited by Dargoba; Mar 26, 2010 at 04:25 AM.
Breaking rules is bad
Originally Posted by Dargoba View Post
Go to the white house to take a Picture of myself on Obamas head.

This made me laugh so hard because I'm sure that Dargoba didn't know what he was saying.

Anyway, I would probably just steal some shit unless I had time to prepare.
Originally Posted by Modius View Post
This made me laugh so hard because I'm sure that Dargoba didn't know what he was saying.

Anyway, I would probably just steal some shit unless I had time to prepare.

And what does that mean? I do know what I'm saying! Not everyone gets to sit on Obamas head.
Breaking rules is bad
Originally Posted by Dargoba View Post
And what does that mean? I do know what I'm saying! Not everyone gets to sit on Obamas head.

I agree, it's a privilege.
Originally Posted by Modius View Post
I agree, it's a privilege.

xD Hmmm so would be having a naked picture of Megan fox. Well Multiple pictures of Megan naked. So I'll take plenty. And a picture of me making out with her, and have "Paparazzi" take the picture. When I was really me.

Breaking rules is bad
Originally Posted by leovalii View Post
well if the time stopped, it would stop for me too, duh.

Well obveously this wouldn't happen, it's all about imaaaaaaginaaaaaashuun.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up