1. Name:Nanikaru
2. Age:16
3. GMT:-5
4. Paragraph describing yourself:Well, Idk how to start this q:.I am a shy person, the internet is my escape to life. I'm on the computer from when I get home, till I go to bed.
Idk what else to say really, so I'll start by describing myself. I am 4'7,I know about this clan because I was on skype talking to my friend, and he was all like:"MMM GURRL, YOU NEED A NEW CLAN. O3O" My old account was beached, the account was a 3rd dan(Got banned for hacking 20 million tc x.x, but I dont scam, or will I ever do that again ;D.) Toribash is the way I let out my anger, I haz issues ;3;.
5. Other online games you play:Not none really, besides minecraft.Toribash is the game I'll most likely be playing for a few years or so. :|
My friend is ImXFluffy, he is also my bf. :L He's a brown belt, he's been playing for a month.
And what do you want to know about me? q:
Who is your favorite Pokémon?
What is your favorite movie?
What is your favorite game (offline)?
What is your favorite game (online)?
Do you have hobbies?

Also include a why.

Also include why you specifically want to join us and not a different clan.

Your name is a Pokémon name so you already scored one point with me.
Let's see if you can do better ;]
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Hello everyone, my application for you.

1. Finalwish
2. 25
3. 0/+1 (stupid daylight savings.)

4. Well, i work full time for now trying to save some money before i fuck off to University next year to study Mathematics, Its kind of killed my social life though, so i spend quite a lot of time on forums and such like just because i actually feel like talking to people now and again. As far as hobbies go i quite enjoy board games (check out fantasy flight for an idea of the stuff i like.) I also recently took up Wing Chun again after a 7 year break from it, the scary meat tank Paul Smith is the instructor and i swear that no man that vast should be able to move that fast. Music, i like music, Prog rock/metal are my favourite genres mostly but il give anything a shot except for dubstep and rap. Before i explain why i want to join fr3style, i should say why i left Atlantic. Basically, its been over 2 years that i have been with them and its not the same clan that i originally joined, i dont have much in common with the current members and its sadly not fun anymore :(
Another major thing for me is that a lot of the people that i enjoyed talking to have moved on or lost interest in TB entirely or only show up to post/play on the rare occasion, While fr3style are pretty consistent with the rate of activity. Last but not least, while i know most of you, at least in passing, Rooyall is the first TB friend i made.

I dont really play that many other online games to be honest, i occasionally play some mario karts or smash bros and i used to play EVE online, but thats about it.

Thanks for reading.
Last edited by FinalWish; Oct 6, 2012 at 01:02 AM.
Who is your favorite Pokémon?Quilava, it Cindaquil was my starter pokemon when I was a kid, so I took Quilava, My bf is Cindaquil s:
What is your favorite movie? Zombieland. Love da actors q:
What is your favorite game (offline)?Offline? What do you mean?
What is your favorite game (online)?Online? What do you mean...?
Do you have hobbies?I like to draw, but I'm not so good at it. And could you count hobbies at video games?c:

Also include a why.

Also include why you specifically want to join us and not a different clan.
You guys seem active. And I want to socialize with other people. <33

Your name is a Pokémon name so you already scored one point with me. Yay c:
Let's see if you can do better ;]

Oh,and I never gave you some replays. x.x
Attached Files
Quilava used split attack!.rpl (76.9 KB, 5 views)
Split the rainbow!.rpl (123.9 KB, 4 views)
HACKS!.rpl (63.2 KB, 5 views)
Not a care in the world.rpl (101.0 KB, 4 views)
You seem mature and well-mannered, I'll put you up for trial :]

I meant which games you enjoy offline and wich games you enjoy playing online, basically which games you enjoy playing on your own and wich games you enjoy playing with someone else.

I have to warn both of you, though, we're not that active. As you can see, I'm the only one that has posted since you guys applied. So if that's the main reason to join us, Quilava, it's not a really good one.
We're a bit inactive because we all have busy social lives, which is good. Don't see Fr3styL as a Toribash Clan, see it more like a family. You'll have to make sort off a commitment to join us, we despise clan-hoppers.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.