SupaLolCat can are you send me a invite again cuz it is wirte for me
pls ask for your invite again

can are you send me pls?
It gets better...
Where do you live?(optional):São Paulo,Brasil
What belt are you?Brown
Where do you want to improve?:Aikido,twinsword
Favorite mods:Twinsword
Originally Posted by Diabinho View Post
Where do you live?(optional):São Paulo,Brasil
What belt are you?Brown
Where do you want to improve?:Aikido,twinsword
Favorite mods:Twinsword

Accepted, please confirm that you are joining.
i confirm that i am joining

first i think you cant join cuz you are dont apply for this clan and if you are apply you got to wait for SupaLolCat or jafri246 will be say you need to confirm you are joining then are you need to say it and first apply if you want to join
It gets better...
Where do you live?(optional): florida
What belt are you?: Blue
Where do you want to improve?: wushu,judo
Favorite mods: Akido
Why do you want to join?: because i want to be able to be looked on greatly and i think u guys could make that happen
Age(optional): 13
Where do you live?(optional): Brazil
What belt are you?: Black, 100 games to 2nd dan
Where do you want to improve?: Running
Favorite mods: Running, wushu, judo , aikido, taekwondo
Why do you want to join? Because is a good clan, i want to make new friends, i want to make part to the history of all this, and help clan in somethings
21/12/2012 , The toribash's King will save us \o/