I think it'd be a good idea if and when we get a lot of active ingame members xP

(I hate people so much.. people are fucking rediculous xP)
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
Originally Posted by rappunk23 View Post
I think it'd be a good idea if and when we get a lot of active ingame members xP

(I hate people so much.. people are fucking rediculous xP)

That's one person saying yes, Only a few more to go.

Everybody hates people to an extent, bro. Everybody's also a little ridiculous. You just got to accept them and compromise.
I'm not going to lie... You should boredom click this link to help me out <3
People in general. They're stupid, moronic, hypocritical, rude, arrogant, selfish, greedy, annoying, etc etc etc.. I don't like people, at all.

Oh but I was sort of thinking of my girlfriend when I wrote that.
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
So was I rapp, so was I when reading that

Yeahh, let's get a team speak server, I'll join it every day.
Join the [Essence] of Toribash
Okie Dokie. If ya'll get supah to say yes then I'll set it up. Well attempt to... Had a few problems setting one up in the past.
I'm not going to lie... You should boredom click this link to help me out <3
Originally Posted by Bloodxib View Post
Okie Dokie. If ya'll get supah to say yes then I'll set it up. Well attempt to... Had a few problems setting one up in the past.

I say go for it.
I'll start setting it up then.

*Side note: Cinnamon toast crunch with Dr. Pepper in it instead of milk is REALLY good.
I'm not going to lie... You should boredom click this link to help me out <3
Originally Posted by Bloodxib View Post
I'll start setting it up then.

*Side note: Cinnamon toast crunch with Dr. Pepper in it instead of milk is REALLY good.

Maybe, so, but Corn Flakes with chocolate milk is better.
I think I just finished setting it up but I'm not completely sure if it's working. Can somebody throw a PM my way if they're willing to test it? I don't want to put the IP out in public.
I'm not going to lie... You should boredom click this link to help me out <3