Originally Posted by Arglax View Post


My first experience with tb was that every friggin name was taken, so i started spamming different words until i came up with Yodestiny. Then i realized the name sucked and everyone was taunting me for it, so i made a new account and was lucky enough to get lazors.
It's not like, good or anything, but it's not embarrassing to look at so i'm happy with that.

I love Tonakai's username, and other people with personalized usernames. They don't have to be that long, as long as they have a good ring to it. And i prefer the ones that aren't composed of a single, generic word, because those are just as bad as xxxsupercodslayerxxx imo.

Kinda what everyone else said, but eh.
The thread got derailed because of the @ # w # @ joke thing. Let's get back on track here, what kind of usernames do you think are good? (If you've not already shared your opinion.)
Nah, duck is a nice name. I wouldn't call it generic or funny tbh, but, it works well.
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here
To me a good username is something that isn't outrageous. Numbers are fine to me as long as they fit. A name like Gman80 is nice.

A bad username would be something that looks spammy. A name like bIgB4llzXx33 is a bad username. But usernames are usernames.
Originally Posted by Cake View Post
You clan should've been lips.


IMO: A good username to me is:
-Makes Sense
I already shared my opinion and said that usernames should be "Short, cool and without any numbers". Now i wanna say what i think best username is. Johnny Cash...Yes there is an account named that. :P
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I really hate these guys who signed up long ago, abandoned their accounts without play almost anything, and stole the coolest names that could exist, it's sad.
This is nothing new.

Tell that to a guy who is creating an account now and are faced with a thousand attempts to find a decent and available username.
Last edited by Larm; Jul 5, 2014 at 11:14 PM.