Thanks for your comments on my head everybody

Quick question: Best image format is _____

Here's what I know about the available image formats for textures
.jpg - crap
.png - nearly lossless
.bmp- lossless(?)
everything else - no clue
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First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
-Mohandas Gandhi
lol wait a minute, who's red head are we talking about?

On a different note......... I GIVE UP, I've been trying for a while now and I just can't get this head (the red RAGE face) to size down to 128x128 properly without pixelation. I've tried everything i can think of. It looks perfect at full size but turns to crap at 128x128. If somebody wants to give it a shot, pm me and I'll give you the file. I'll give you a portion of whatever I sell it for (if I'm able to sell it). Also, if you're successful, could you tell me how? lol
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Originally Posted by DoubleG View Post
more ninja less demon.

also: that red head looks AWESOME

oh lawl..
I thought you were talking about this head;
(yeah, Mikkee, is my alt.)

also, I'll give it a try parker, send me the head..
wait I have to edit dieman's head D;!!!!!!
Best signature ever.
If you dont sell your shit ill hack you and sell it myself... Epic head anyway.

Parker: Send it to me ill get to it tomorrow, im on my school laptop... OH BTW if you use gimp save it as a .psd so i can fix :3
K, I'll send it to you mobi. Thanks for the help

EDIT: yay another head (apparently i'm all about quantity, not quality lol)
Last edited by Parker1287; Mar 10, 2010 at 07:31 AM.
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