Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by KaylaPanda View Post
This is way too funny :P

Alright sit tight
I’ve heard enough of these b*tches fight
Now, when I come at you like a fist fight
And knock you the f*ck out and tell you good night
Don’t get up tight
I am your criptonite making you out like a superman transvestite
With an overbite suckin off a hermaphrodite….and
Deakmaniac,Internet,Bakugan,Hobo,Zeto,Echoforce, already
F*cked you seven times like the seven dwarfs F*cked snow white

So you need to step aside
You just got disqualified
I’ll leave you wide-eyed and tongue-tied
Cause, your rap style just got rejected and then denied
I hit you so hard like you just got hit from your blindside
I am so fly
I’ll f*ck your mind without using Oxide
High jack your brain like you got shanghaied
Leavin you horrified and mortified
Like you’re a victim of a homicide

Son, you need to commit suicide before I turn this into genocide
And you get buried alive from my lyrical avalanche and landslide
My lines make you go c*ck eyed
Why you lookin at me cross eyed?
Like your lines got hog tied
While your mind went for a walk and got stir-fried
See, I’m formfitting and hard hitting
No kidding
Unwitting, outbidding
Everything that you’re submitting
I’m switch hitting and still winning
Out spitting the sh*t you’re omitting
No bullsh*tting
Cause.... you’ll never touch this flow that I’m transmitting

You seem to under the impression that you can us all at once,
You won't even be able to survive me, damn, you're as good as done.
Coming in overconfident, you asking for a death sentence?
Y'know, when I'm done with you, bitch, you'll need more than repentance.
There's no going back, you chose to go for it,
You came in here cocky, let me show you to the exit.
You showed up said it, I'ma give you credit,
But read my rap, I'm bout to embed it,
Deep in your mind, you're gonna have to let it,
Take you over, no point to re-edit.
And you talking shit about fucking Snow White,
Listen up princess, this'll be your last night,
Enjoy your last ride, you won't even touch the throne,
That's right, kid, your chance has flown.
A failed attempt, trying to own,
But it ain't your name, gonna be written in stone.
a spoon.
Look at most of you guys, you can hardly rhyme
Add hooks, study hard and become wise
Like Lil Wayne you put shame into the rap game
You dismiss wordplay, the game of creativity
Bordering on poetry
So, in other words. You're a fake just looking for a big break
So just take your jive style in its current state of retardation
and rework your very foundation
My vivid imagination in combination with what I spit
creates life changing chain reactions
Like the explosions and destruction
In that of a Michael Bay movie
I'll defeat you in hand to hand
Solidus Snake could be my dad
Or I could chop you up in a dozen pieces like cyborg ninja
And his HF Katana
Like the genius who moved to Vienna in 1792
Your through because my classical intricacy and theory
Resembles a river when it's steady and calm
Or crashing and splashing at rapid rates
I decide your fate
Especially when the weight of your rhymes
Are light like floating in Zero G's
And they're weak unlike the strategies of war
By the ever so infamous Nords
Pride to the very core, you're blind
Ripped up and torn by an epic level Elder Dragon
I be slaying slayers One by one, one on one
Say what? You're done in, son
So, what is it fight or run.
You guys could learn a thing or two about the rap game from this guy.

Edit: He is very legit when it comes to his rapping, he even made a poster


Last edited by McBurger; May 5, 2013 at 09:42 AM.
You can't rhyme against the dark side side of the force why even bother so many dudes been with yo mama who even knows if im your father.Your a pissed off little prick with a napoleon dick.You call that a mustache I call that dirty sanchez on your lip,you bitch let me remind you who your messin wit everything that you did im the mother fucker who invented it im the original dark your like the sorcerers apprentince.My storm troopers make yours look like a piece of shit who cloned it. WHO WON
This world is cold and cannot be changed.Only one man can change it and that is me!
Roses are red lemons are sour just open your legs and gimme an hour
This world is cold and cannot be changed.Only one man can change it and that is me!
to hobo,

he was once a hobomoose,
now he plain hobo
you must got a sex change
because your pic is a pussy
so is your name hobo, hobomoose
or cat, why not just be a mofo goose

/me gay freestyle
dimes are silver
pennies are brass
why does your face
look like your ass

Bacon is bacon,
eggs is eggs
don’t let him between your legs
he says your cute
he says your fine
9 months later he says that’s not mine!

Twinkle Twinkle Little whore
Close youre legs
They're not a door

Charmander is red
Squirtle is blue
If you were a pokemon
I would choose you

Fucking win.
Last edited by Th3CrAzY; May 5, 2013 at 01:13 PM.