Endurance Onslaught 6.0

We will discuss how you then reply to you on here or ingame if you find us after we decided. Also getting to know our guys and if we like you will improve your chances to get in.
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!
Hey, I'm thieve888.
I want to join WAPOW because my current clan is dead and I want to have fun playing the game again. From what I've seen you guys are pretty cool, so I'd like to see what it's like.
My favourite mods (in order) are: Wushu_pro, aikido, runkido, and rk-mma.
I only have classes 3 days a week this semester, so I'll be playing a lot probably. I don't usually sleep very much so I'll be on until like 3-4 AM PST.
I don't usually post on the forums, (currently 18 posts over 3 years ) but I do check my PMs regularly.
I love the challenge and excitement of Toribash, but I only recently started playing again because everyone I knew quit. This is a pretty addictive game, and hanging out with people you know makes it really fun!
IRL I'm an 18 year old university student, trying to get my BA in computer science. I've been doing Muay Thai for almost 6 years now, and just recently stopped gymnastics after 5. I longboard everywhere I need to go, and I'm currently taking classes in art, English, and Japanese. I love drawing, and I like (to attempt) making heads. My Skype name is thieve888.
Thanks for you consideration!
Good application, I had fun playing Quick Aikido with you today.
You have skills and I like your style.

I have sent you a Skype Contact Request.

Find our members in-game and get to know us better.
Also, try to meet up with Eltyion or PimpKilla for a test in ABD.

As if we need more Canadians on our team XD

Update: At the moment, we are strongly considering kizicom and thieve888.

Last edited by Krulls; Feb 21, 2015 at 08:15 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I did not say nor mean to imply that you were denied.
As far as I know, PimpKilla tested you and Flamesmash mentioned recently here that we are considering you.

I will consult with them and we will let you know.

As we have said before, an important part of joining our clan is getting to know our members in-game.
/rf then /sa wapow to search for our players

Good Morrow Soldiers of Iron and Molten Lava
Name's MettiMid in game, Evan in real life, and MetriodaMidrange everywhere else (including skype).
What I have to offer is a unique playstyle comprised of Deadly kicks and strange save-counters. I play almost every day, am always scrolling the forums, and i play a lot of aikido and ABD with a bit of GreyKido, judo and other random mods thrown in the mix. Like i said im almost always on the forums so my PMs are checked almost daily. Toribash came to my attention while scrolling through steam looking for something interesting to play, and ive been playing it ever since. As of right now im rocking ye olde Brown belt, but im quickly rising up to the blacks. I was in a clan called Smile. its unofficial, and mostly inactive. because of this i want to switch clans and because i have seen so many of the WAPOW guys playing i know you guys are active as hell.
Now off the life of Metti and on to the life of Evan. Well, im 18 going on 19, and i work at FedEx getting your mail to your door, and im currently waiting on a call back from a vapor shop i interviewed at not too long ago. When im not working or playing Toribash im spending time with friends and family hanging out doing stupid stuff as guys do.

Thats about it for me, i look forward to hearing back from you all, and now im off to fid some members in game to play with.
See you around,
Last edited by MettiMid; Feb 22, 2015 at 03:12 AM.
Hello! I wanted to inform you that this is a re-application. There may be some of the same info from my last, but I'll try to change it up
First of all -
My IGN is Kokoleo.
I live in the USA.
My skype is kokoleo655.
I have, to offer Wapow, a friendly player that is open to ideas, a player that will be with you for months to come, and finally, a friend.
I love Quick Aikido. Quick Aikido, as well as ABD, are my main game modes that I play. However, I've recently been looking into Greykido, as well as Sparring, and more.
My activity online would be a 7/10.
However, sadly, recently my life has been quite busy. Around this time there are many tests, and some family problems that are complicating my life. This may make my Toribash playing be a little less than usual. However, I love Toribash, and once everything is settled i'll come right back and play for what I've missed!
I sadly don't post much on the forums, and my only posts are about applying to clans, as well as accepting and denying applicants.
I have yet to receive any PM's, but as I browse the forums almost everyday, I'm sure I could get used to checking my PM's and replying to them the day of.
I've been in Godly, as a recruiter. Sadly, soon after I joined, many members left, and made a new clan, BAD. I joined that clan as a recruiter. However, I felt that it didn't have the same feel. I left in search of a clan where I belonged.
Now, Toribash time.
These past 5 days, since my last application, have been spent practicing, family, practicing, sleep, eat, family, practicing, etc.
I feel as if I've improved manyfold this past almost-week.
I still don't feel as if I'm even close to the best member's level. However, I now feel as if I
have the skill to be in Wapow and not be ashamed.
Anyways, aside from that.
I love games. Hearthstone, League of Legends, Toribash (of course), and more, are all games I frequently play. However, again, I am getting busy with life. I'm thinking of playing less of other games and more of Toribash so that I can rapidly improve.
As for my actual life!
I have a girlfriend, who I prioritize after almost everything. This may result in some sudden times when I have to go.
Besides that, I have friends (wat, for real?!) and we may go out on Friday and the weekends. I, of course, have school, I play the violin, I must study, I play tennis, and more.
I am an A student. I'd love to keep this up!
Most of my time will be somewhere where you can locate me on Skype.
And, finally, I uh, still love sleeping, so that didn't change in 5 days.
Andddd, back to bed, once again! G'night! <3

Thanks for reading my second application.

Last edited by Kokoleo; Feb 24, 2015 at 12:48 AM.
Hello everyone. I took the time to let everyone cool down and compose before I attempt this daunting task once again. Yep. I'm re-applying. Now before you press the almighty "Deny" button beside your mouse, listen a bit. I'm doing this because I want to join WAPOW. Until then, I will not consider joining other clans or moving on with Toribash, because WAPOW is something I want to be a part of (and I feel I could be a part of). A few of you bros understand why I was denied the first time, so let's not talk about it. I'm hoping to go at this again with a nearly clean slate and a positive mindset.

For Krulls

Let's Begin!!!

1) What do I have to offer WAPOW?! Well, I'm happy to say that I have a legitimate answer for that question. The previous 2 weeks I have spent training for this moment. Obviously every warrior in this fine clan can do some damage. It's only right that I beef up a bit and up my game. In just these few weeks, I managed to shake off the rust and dust. I'm very skilled at grappling of all kind and especially in aikido based mods. As a black belt with a blue belt alt, I do lack experienced much of the WAPOW veterans have. However, my talent in gaming overall had allowed me to adapt fast and fight with some of the best. Just imagine me as an 8th Dan. Jeez will I wreck.

Once again, I offer tons of loyalty. I will never give up on WAPOW. Unlike lots of people, I'm not here because WAPOW is the best. I'm here because of how friendly and charisma can this clan is as a whole. I've always been aspired by WAPOW long before it was on top. As for its members, despite gossip and misinterpretations, I am a very nice and respectful person, even when I don't need to be. Though I tend to talk a lot sometimesx, I do my best to stay open minded and aware of the feelings of others. I always apologize if I insult someone in any way. Yeah, I've got pretty good parents.

Yet another thing I can offer to the clan is forum activity. Or course, my forum and gaming activity is at a good level, but I am on forums all the time. With forum apps everywhere from my phone to my underwear (iWear 7s), I tend to know what's going on in forums all the time. That shouldn't ever be a problem.

Now this could be a pro or a con, but I'm honest. If I feel something is wrong, I will say so. I will stand up for anyone who is mistreated, even if it costs me to be kicked out of the clan. At the end of the day, I follow my "heart" and I think only for the best of the clan and its people.

My favorite mod is aikido big dojo. It was introduced to me hen I first entered clan wars and tournaments, and I've fallen in love with it ever sense. The realistic (ish) gravity mixed with the battle of grappling, deceiving, and straight up brute strength really gets me pumping. I also enjoy violence_perfected, just because it's so silly.

I play often. Now, I don't play on the no-life rating scale, but I tend to play about 1-2 hours on a weekday (depending on how busy I am) and 3-5 hours on a weekend (same). Because I make dubstep and my strict parents like to keep me busy, my activity may or may not fluctuate sometimes. However, since I only play Toribash now a days, anytime I'm on the computer, I'm on Toribash.

I post about once everyday. When I don't post, I carefully check up on all PMs and interesting forums, just to make the time go by.

My Toribash experience is nothing special. My first account was BilboopX. I play just about everyday, my addiction to the game just beginning. Back then, I tended to stay clear from aikido and other mods like that, spending ample amounts of time and effort perfecting judo and grey kido. I got pretty decent at Toribash and my growth in skill was awesome. Of course, I never could make it past blue belt (never had the patients) so I made an alt, named BeanSprout. With this alt, I played and played and made so much money in tournaments and betting servers, I accumulated 264k tc and bought a killer perma set that I still wear today. Now that I was decked out, I had no reason to go back to my moony BilboopX account and I pursued my next goal. Get in a clan and get buff. Here I am now.

Skype: nothingmuch4me
...Surely you have more productive things to do then read my stupid signature...[TA]|[TF]
WAPOW People I Would Like To Join Because I Am A Blue Belt My User Name Is xXMmosXx And I Like Aikido, Judo, And Mushu I Am A Good Aikido Fighter Well Of Course I Cant Beat You But I Beat 2 5th Dan Belts In The Green Belt I Hope U Add Me To The Clan PEACE
All new apps

Lots of apps have come in and sorry for dropping the reply a bit we have been discussing a lot. HASSAN2000, kizicom, Mettimid, and thieve888 are the applicants we are considering if you did not see your name on the list you are denied. For those 4 find our guys ingame, make friends and boost your chances of getting in
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!