Originally Posted by Ciulerson2 View Post
You got some nice potatoes down there man

Why thank you ;)
Last edited by id; Mar 28, 2015 at 06:17 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Ok regotten.. all the best. Cya ingame..
Originally Posted by darkexxod View Post
My name is Isaac or DarkExxod and The Monastery is the place for me. I hail from New York City and am a fun loving boy, my favorite activities incluede playing basketball,Toribash and hanging with friends. I go to Martin Luther King highschool; sub-school High School for Law,Advocacy and Community Justice, where as you guessed they teach us about the law and how to be successful lawyers. Even though I am a freshman I feel like its the best place for me, Like the Monastery. I dont call my self smart but gifted in some areas of study which include reading and writing and sometimes math. Almost every year I travel out of state for a few days with my family that is maybe the only time you wont see me on Toribash related things.

What makes me a Monk? Well like the Monks we know today I am disciplined and control my self , yes I do like to joke but when it becomes immature banter i will put a end to that subject. Furthermore I always wanted to be a Monk but as i was about to apply i was sucked in to helping my friend with his clan TPR which as you can see is now dead, but to be completely honest I am happy I waited. This is because now I have become a seasoned player in the world of Toribash and can contribute much more now. Also in the world of The Monastery as far as I can see is drama-less which is a good thing for me since I am a low-key person and hate having to watch people argue. I have been in Bomb, and I tried my best to stay but they could not stop with the drama, there would be a kick every week or so.

My leaving message is as follows:

[6:26:47 PM] DarkExxod: there is a breakdown of character in this clan, you are not a family but an organization. Someone tries to do his best for the clan and you send him to the grave,in the two months ive been in bomb 1 month was pure inactivity and 1 month pure Drama. Get it together Goodbye.

As i call myself a good writer, I am good for any written task, meaning threads for events, stories and much more. I am also a communicator since I have taken Classes at John Jay College and can say things the way they need to be said and with a certain meaning, so I can help with any problems that may arise on forums and such.

My clan history: Tpr(dead), Forsaken(dead), Godly(was on the verge of the great beyond when i left), Bomb (just not the place for me)

I have a GMT of -5 Eastern Time

Hey DarkExxod.. nice app. We'd like to meet you ingame. Looking for TimmyboyG, miles1994 or me (BBKing) and all the other Monks.
Looking forward ;)
Last edited by BBKing; Mar 28, 2015 at 01:58 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by BBKing View Post
Ok regotten.. all the best. Cya ingame..

I'm sorry, I didn't say that, I let my brother get on my PC and he canceled it.
I'm still in though.
Application letter
My name is Rien. I'm called MrrMeasa in game. I have been playing toribash on and off since at least 5 years ago. My old account was lost, but to be honest it hadn't really seen much playtime (Brown belt). Only recently I've started playing relaxed toribash and the game has become more to me than it was before. And I suppose a respectful and peaceful group of players is always a great place to be.

What makes me a monk? To be honest, i don't exactly know the definition of being a monk, and reading a wikipedia page on it wouldn't be sufficient. But i know I've been a heartfelt philosopher for as long as i can remember. And the fact that i'm only 17 doesn't change that I strive to change the world one day. To make people realize that the world doesn't consist of good people and bad ones. And i believe that the moment people realize that we are our own worst enemy, and not to blame anyone but ourselves, we might be on our way to a better future. I don't have enough words to express how much this dream means to me, but i suppose it's close enough for now.

I can add to this clan only a humble and respectful player. I can handle myself in a lot of situations, but i still need practice at mods with grabs enabled. But lenshu3ng, kickbox and ninjustsu are my favorite mods atm.

I haven't been in any toribash clan before, but i know my way around clans nonetheless. My steam group/clan is called BluePeace, and i think that says enough about the people i like to hang out with. Even though most of the groups members' personalities don't reflect the name one bit. But it's nice anyways.

And about the replays, the third one wasn't staged, and i'm very proud that it wasn't
Attached Files
Entry #1.rpl (88.6 KB, 5 views)
Entry #2.rpl (88.2 KB, 6 views)
Entry #3.rpl (68.0 KB, 6 views)
Hello, i guess.
Oh please..
Hello, I am posting my application to your clan after recieving encouragement from one of you members.

My name is Martin, and I'm 12 years old (not important).
I'd say I'm a player that knows his joints well and knows what to do in the most situations.
I love computers, phones etc.
Here are some mods I like to play: (any parkour mod), xspar, mas, mushu, aikido.
The clans I have been in before are: [AoT] (Bomb) (Galaxy) (Gamma) and [Nitro].
The most of these clans are not very interesting to me or not very active.
AoT was my own clan, noone was active and it died really quick.
Gamma died.
I left Bomb when I created my clan.
Galaxy and Nitro was my first clans I have been in. #longTimeAgo.

So atm, I am sitting on a train with a shitty internet so I can not upload any replays.

I hope that is enough.

Edit: what makes me a monk?
I love jumping and climbing in Toribash like a monkey.
There are some replays from me on my application on the Obey recruitment thread right here;
Last edited by Hypersaint; Apr 9, 2015 at 12:43 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Message to the following applicants: MrrMeasa, Hypersaint

Both Applications are pending which means your applications were good enough to accept you into the testing phase.
Try to PM our monks for a test. This test will be in both grab and no-grab mods. We will judge you on your skills.
Do not worry if you don't win a lot of matches. We just look at how much you can do in a these mods

Last edited by TimmyboyG; Apr 9, 2015 at 05:38 PM.

i am a bird now - Lil B

I was testing MrrMeasa's skills ingame, these were the results

Also, one of the replays didint save properly, in the replay, he elbowed off my arm and won

Personally, I think hes a really good player and has alot of potential, but thats my opinion, others may differ.

(( forgot to save one other replay, but I won in it, End score 6-2, but still he has potential ))
Attached Files
whew.rpl (54.7 KB, 7 views)
MrrMeasa test 2.rpl (82.6 KB, 4 views)
MrrMeasa test 3.rpl (32.7 KB, 3 views)
MrrMeasa test 4.rpl (32.9 KB, 4 views)
MrrMeasa test 5.rpl (65.8 KB, 4 views)
MrrMeasa test 6.rpl (41.1 KB, 4 views)
Last edited by MrSneaky; Apr 9, 2015 at 07:40 PM.
Am I still in the running?
Or was I actually removed from the recruitment line?
iunno, but I still count myself in.
Message to the following applicants: Regotten

We want you to test you again meaning your application is up for pending again (Search for Hasea/other higher ranked Monks that are up for a test.)
Try to PM our monks if needed. This test will be in both grab and no-grab mods. We will judge you on your skills.
Do not worry if you don't win a lot of matches. We just look at how much you can do in a these mods

i am a bird now - Lil B