Endurance Onslaught 6.0
ok so, i will not be active this weekend, me and a few friends decided after work tomorrow we are driving 12 hours to ohio, to go to the rock and roll hall of fame, and Cedar Point, the amusement park with the highest roller coasters. so, as a token of my sadness, i leave these here.

<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos
I like how everyone in the clan posted saying "Look, im active, see im the most active@!!!" and then they went back under the rock they have been living under
<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos
lol so, didnt happen in our channel, but i fuckin lol'd

lel code:

[09:13] * Pidda (PolarBear@your.house) has joined #enigma
[09:13] * ChanServ sets mode +ao Pidda Pidda for #enigma
[09:21] * Facade sets mode -a Pidda for #enigma
[09:21] <~Facade> NO SOP FOR YOU
<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos
i dont get it....you just kinda...repeated a bunch of parts
<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos