alright new head

512x512 rate and comment

new type of shade

ok thats all for today

Happy Birthday Flames and Good Bye to all cya tomorrow
Forum's Bitch
ty u 2 and yes flames lines are kinda weird is the new style im practicing so i might screw up on that oh well i rly like the new shade i use more shade than the last robotic heads
Forum's Bitch
Yeah. I will need a new set soon, becouse I am getting new texture items. Would you Jon like to make me one? D:
Clan Triad Bank/Events manager
not quite yet srry i've been busy this whole week every day i got exams yestarday i got 1 today i got 1 and tomorrow i got 1 im free at friday u want me to change the head i think i made the face a lil too high and yes stef i'll make ur set after i finish flames

oh and flames u can take the set im "starting" cuz i dont have much parts or i can just recolor the set im almost done the robotic set toxic and quicksilver

i can change it to platinum and noxious what do u say?

oh and i'll put the leader video thread (a new 1)

and post ur replays that u want to be in the vid there ok thats my msg
Forum's Bitch