Well, the opener was not my type, it looked slow something. really good stylish split, the boom after it was great and it was destructive but the aim of the kick was actually not that good. Elbow dm was a pretty nice addition.
Last kick was actually nothing special but I liked how you did it with spin before it.
Nice replay i would say
"People become stronger cause there are memories they won't forget."
The opener seemed like something you'd do just to fuck around a bit, it was really eh.
But you continued it really well, loved the split + boom but like #17april said it's not really that well aimed.
I'm not gonna comment the spin. ;)
Sad that you end with a pose like that after the replay, I really wish you'd edit that.
Nice replay.
I took way too long to get back to you. I got grounded:<

The opener was pretty simple, but I liked it, I like openers in that style. They make me go whee, so I'm biased.
The split+boom was pretty fast and transitioned well but the boom was poorly aimed.
The spin looked pretty nice and the glute kick looked nice and solid.
The pose was a sad ending to it.
Still pretty nice.
Spin looked awesome ;o
Epic split, haven't seen a clean knee hit in a while.
Decap blended well, and the next knee/kick was super destructive, really liked it.
Pose was just instant after the kick, so overall great job on this one.
oh yeah
The spin <3
However you had some awkward arm movement(raising and lowering) in the opener.
I love kicks and shit, really nice.
Pose could've looked better with a casual relaxed sitting pose.
And you do some weird thingaling to keep your pose balance wich looks a bit funny.
Great one, cham.
So the opener and tricking were pretty good, I thought they were enjoyable.
Everything else was really well done, trying to do something without getting damaged is whicked hard. Especially when doing a boomhit.
The last punch had someting to it, either your spinning or how fast it was. Anyway, great job on this one. Not the flashiest, but takes skill.
oh yeah
Good job.
The opener was a little stiff.
The trick was nice.
The kick was nice and powerful.
The follow up kick was also powerful, felt as if it could've been a boom hit on the torso though.
The punch was also nice, but the ending was ridiculously rushed.
Put a little more frames and do some more with it, or at least try.
The trick at the beginning was pretty cool, but the steps you did afterwards didn't look so good. It broke the flow rather hard. The kick was nice though. I didn't like the dms you did afterwards, but the way you are poised, I do think that you can do a pretty good jump kick there.