Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Many girls see dating as a challenge. They look for a douchebag so they can try to change his behavior. However, douchebags tend to remain douchebags.
R.I.P. Billy Mays
Originally Posted by Bust3r View Post
There's a very simple solution. BE GAY! I'm Bisexual, and that's the best shit ever. I don't care about girls much, but if I get he occasional catch, I just go with it.

I can be a girls gay best friend, I get to go shopping lingerie with them, but I can still have sex with other girls. :P And when I have those "all girls are bitches" moments of my life... well then "I WANNA TAKE YOU TO A GAYBAR!".

So there you have it, the solution to all girl problems... BE GAY, or at least half.

I can understand this man and support this shit with experience.
Not only have I done this myself, but as a bisexual social mastermind I was able to start off as the gay friend and then end up as boyfriend. Its the perfect place to learn/understand eachother and then take full advantage of that knowledge and what not.

Do it, faggots. Seriously.

PS: Quote from bash:

<DrBob> You'll never get it. Men weren't meant to understand women.
<Odin> not true.
<Odin> I've managed to solve for the fundamental logic operation of women.
<DrBob> It's just best to let them do what they want, so they'll let us do stuff to them.
<Odin> Nono let me explain.
<Odin> Women are fundamentally amplifiers.
<Odin> Anything you give them expect to get back multiplied
<Odin> give them money you don't have in the form of a credit card, expect a huge debt
<Odin> give them a little love, and they'll give you a lot of love back
<Odin> give them a little DNA in the bedroom
<Odin> and they give you a baby
<Odin> So if you give them crap, you'd better be ready to recieve a ton of shit

&quot;Anything running perfectly is running like clockwork.&quot;
Originally Posted by Monobi View Post
I can understand this man and support this shit with experience.
Not only have I done this myself, but as a bisexual social mastermind I was able to start off as the gay friend and then end up as boyfriend. Its the perfect place to learn/understand eachother and then take full advantage of that knowledge and what not.

Do it, faggots. Seriously.

PS: Quote from bash:

I never expected that to be the solution, although I did have friends that pondered it. There is some deep truth in both statements, though. Bisexuality is not quite the way to go. What you need to do is be a good friend. It's a bit of a hit and miss kind of thing, depending on the girl, and it's not worth it if you only want to have sex with them. Being a good friend, who often suggests slightly sexual or loving things may be the best way to go in my opinion. That way, they will catch the hint that you like them.
You must know, though, that the only way this works is in the presence of a 'good girl'. Said girl must be looking for a committed relationship, and must not have had terrible experiences prior to you. You'll have to prove you're trustworthy either way, but you'll have a much harder time if something bad has happened to them at an earlier time.
Of course, some girls just don't get it. If you know for a fact that the girl likes you, but cannot quite decide whether or not to be with you... Well, you're going to have to really fight it out. You'll have to work really hard to see things through your way... Because the girl won't want to aid in this process, unless she knows it will work-- unless she just wants play.
Be afraid of girls that only want 'play'. You're not going to get them to fall in love with you, unless you're Mr. Smooth. And when you do, prepare to be obsessed over.
... So yeah. I could go on, but I bet you're all saying 'tch. yeah, right'. So I'm just going to stop after saying "Be honest. Be trustworthy. Be kind. Be gentle. Be honorable."
That was a really good comment.
We need to keep this thread going. Not saying I am desperate or anything, I just like to see the different point of views that each person has.
From my female friend Tess:

Originally Posted by Tess
Okay i may be a wee bit drunk when i write this
but a girl does not want
Someone who complains and nags more then her.
she wants someone who just accepts her for her
who loves her pretty ugly dressed up or just woken up.
someone who tells her they love her and is amazing and gorgeous even after being with her for months and months.
she wants a guy who understands that when they hurt her she will tell him she hates him but she act means loves him. just that hate and love are so close. and hurt means hate.
someone who will never act tell her if he looks at other girls.
someone who doesn't care about ex girlfriends or anyone else in the world. coz the girls they are with is the only one in the world that they see or find beautiful or amazing. otherwise you shouldn't be with that girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So like, i hope this helps no matter how drunk we are.
&quot;Anything running perfectly is running like clockwork.&quot;
I'm interested in this one girl in my PE class.

Anyways, most of the girls at my high school are random.
They sometimes steal my drinks at lunch and drink them then give them back.
(Doesn't bother me that much, just that the girls at my old middle school would have been like wtf?)
«High on Eucalyptus leaves»
Originally Posted by cp0n55 View Post
lol you dont have a girlfriend dude try this bump into a girl u like and then say sorry sorry and then you will become friend and i guess you know what to do then works from meh

Man of experience speaks the truth. Try it.

Just don't knock her over.
Originally Posted by T0astman View Post
No offence to the ladies, but its the Majority.

They go for the Jerky guys that push them around.
They turn down the nice guy, get fucked and chucked, the whine about it.
They completely ignore the nice guy and put him in the friend zone.
They then, probablly, cry about it.
They spend there whole life looking for the "right guy" yet the right guy
was always there, sitting by her the whole time, shopping with her,
helping her with her problems, yet their too dull to notice.

Can anyone give me a reasonable explanation why this is?

Yes Toribashians, I'm the nice guy in real life. But I get it thrown back into my face. Any of you have this problem?
Feel free to call me a faggot.

I couldn't give a fuck how hard you try to impress the so called girls here on the forums. When really, there's only like...

No wait, there are none.

Anyway, Your explanations for this type of 7th grade bullying disturbs me so.
Don't stereotype the shit you see in movies.
(Stuff like the nice guy get's pushed around by people in leather jackets, Because 9 out of 10 times it is not true.)

So now, what grade are you in, young Sir?
So anyway, a girl asked me out today. I declined politely, and now her friend is shouting at me over msn, saying that i "ruined her(the girl that asked me out) life". Where as when i asked this other girl out, she said no, and that was fine. No one harrased her.
I find it unfair that it's fine for a gril to say no, but for a guy apparently we have to agree. Has/Does anyone else had/have this problem?
Last edited by fat0ninja; Oct 26, 2009 at 07:53 AM. Reason: S-S-S-Spelling