@Duuunal: Gecrackt^^ Hab von nem Freund ne Externe mit massig Spielen und Filmen drauf bekommen
Aber mein Prozessor suckt, dw geht das Spiel überhaupt nich bei mir, mussich mal neuen kaufen...
das wo er das messer wirft und ihn in den letzten paar millisekunden vor der round-endtime trifft? :v
ne das was ich in geile videos thread gestellt habe aber deine version is au net schlecht
Hier steht eine Signatur. Here is my Signatur.
So ich mach mal leider double post aber der letzte post is eh 2 tage alt also geht das glaub ich schon:

"So also der technical support hat zurückgeschrieben(halt auf englisch aber egal):


This error message will occur if the transfer rate of the CD-ROM falls below 100 bytes per second (Bps). Below are several suggestions to help keep the transfer rate from falling below 100 bytes per second (Bps).

First, check to make sure the program CD-ROM itself is clean and free of marks. To clean the CD-ROM, take a soft damp cloth and wipe the bottom side of the CD-ROM starting from the inside and working towards the outside. Once cleaned check the bottom (silver) side of the CD-ROM for any marks, scratches, smudges, or dust particles. Repeat as necessary until the CD-ROM is clean.

Once the CD-ROM has been cleaned and before attempting to reinstall the program, try the next to suggestions.

First, clean out the Windows Temp folder:
- Open Windows Explorer and find the folder CWindows\Temp.
- Once in this folder, Click on View, then Folder Options. Click on the View tab, then click on Show all files to place a check by it. Click on Apply, then OK.
- Click on Edit at the top of the screen, then Select All, then click on File, then Delete. Answer Yes to any of the prompts that appear.
- Once this is done, close all open windows.

This will remove all the unnecessary files that are generally left over from the installation of other programs and prevent further problems with the installation of other programs. Once this is done, restart the computer. When the computer is done restarting, close all background applications. To close all background applications:

Windows 95:
2. Click on the START MENU PROGRAMS tab.
3. Click on the ADVANCED button.
4. Double click on the PROGRAMS icon.
5. Go to FILE, NEW and FOLDER. You can name this folder anything but I would name it DISABLED START ITEMS.
6. Double click on the STARTUP folder.
7. Go to EDIT and SELECT ALL.
8. Go to EDIT and CUT.
9. Double click on the folder you created. Go to EDIT and PASTE. This should move all the items in the Startup folder to the Disabled Start Items folder.
10. Close all open windows down and restart the system.

Windows 98/98se/ME:
1. Click Start, and Run.
2. In the Open: box type: "msconfig". Click OK. This will bring up the System Configuration Utility.
3. Click on the Startup tab. Write down everything that is checked so you can restore the configuration if desired. (Or, take a screen shot of it and store it in My Documents.)
4. Uncheck everything except ScanRegistry and SystemTray (Systray).
5. Click Apply and OK.
6. Answer Yes to Restart Windows.

Windows XP:
1. Click Start, then Run
2. In the Open: box, type msconfig. Click OK
3. On the General Tab, click the Selective Startup option.
4. Uncheck the option to Load Startup Items.
5. Click Apply and Close.
6. Answer Yes to Restart Windows.

If the error message still appears, try disabling the DMA & Auto-Insert notification of the CD-ROM as well as adjusting the CD-ROM Read-ahead and Cache settings.

Windows 95/98:
- Go to Start, Settings, and then Control Panel.
- Double-click the System icon.
- Click the Device Manager tab.
- Click the "+" sign by CD-ROM.
- Highlight the CD-ROM listed there and click the Properties button at the bottom.
- Click the Settings tab and remove the check mark from the entry by Auto-Insert Notification.
- Click on the check mark next to DMA.
- Click Apply or OK to return to the Device Manager tab.
- Click on the Performance tab, then on the File System tab.
- Click on the CD-ROM tab.
- Move the slider for Supplemental Cache Size all the way to the left (small).
- Next to Optimize access pattern for, click on the arrow pointing down and select the 'No read-head' setting.
- Click on Apply, then OK, then on either OK or Close. Restart the computer if prompted to.

Windows XP
- Click the Windows Start button, choose Settings > Control Panel > double-click the System icon (or right-click My Computer and select Properties).
- Click the Hardware tab.
- Click the Device Manager button.
- Click on the plus mark "+" next to IDE/ATA ATAPI Controllers.
- Double-click the Primary IDE Channel icon.
- Click the Advanced Settings tab.
- Click the drop-down arrow next to Transfer Mode and choose PIO only.
- Click OK and close the Device Manager and click OK on the System Properties window.

Once the computer is done restarting, use the instructions above to once again close all the background applications. Once all the background applications are closed, try installing the program once more."

(Mein computer is auf englisch gestellt also is mir das sowieso egal wie die das geschrieben haben)

Könnte mir das jemand bitte mal in kurzfassung erklären bitte bitte bitte
Hier steht eine Signatur. Here is my Signatur.
cd säubern. dann den ordner C : \ WINDOWS \ Temp komplett leeren. pc neustarten.
danach musst du alle hintergrund programme schließen. dass machste wie folgt:

1. Klick Start, dann "Run"
2. ein fenster geht auf. da tippste "msconfig" dann auf OK
3. ein neues fenster geht auf. du musst ein häckchen bei "load startup items" wegmachen
5. apply. fenster schliesse.
6. windoof rebooten.

wenn das nicht geht:

daraufhin start - > settings -> control panel -> system -> hardware -> device manager button anklicken -> den zweig mit namen "IDE/ATA ATAPI" aufklicken (auf das "+") dann den "primary ide channel" doppelklicken (den obersten bei mehreren) -> advanced settings -> bei transfer mode "pio only" auswählen. neustarten. wieder ausprobieren.

danach solltest du mit dem msconfig befehl alle deine startups wieder anmachen dürfen ;)
