Endurance Onslaught 6.0
When the Scourge swept through Lordaeron he offered the rest of the Silver Hand's paladins shelter in Hearthglen and then joined the Scarlet Crusade to help fight back the undead, one of the target being Stratholme. Blind to the atrocities committed by the Crusade, Taelan rose through their ranks under the tutelage of Saidan Dathrohan. When Renault Mograine was killed, Taelan was appointed Commander at the Scarlet Monastery in his place.
Eventually, with the help of adventurers sent by his father, Taelan recognized the corruption that had befallen the Scarlet Crusade and defected. While escaping from Hearthglen, however, he was killed by Grand Inquisitor Isillien for his betrayal. Tirion Fordring was waiting nearby for his son and saw him cut down and, overcome with loss and outrage, avenged Taelan's death by killing Isillien. Grieving over his son's body, Tirion resolved to reform the Silver Hand to once more be a force of good in the world.
After the Lich King's defeat, Highlord Tirion Fordring returned to the Western Plaguelands and established the Argent Crusade's base in Hearthglen. Down the road, the tower where Taelan was slain by Isillien has been christened Taelan's Tower in his memory. In addition, Crusade Commander Eligor Dawnbringer sends players into Stratholme to reclaim a painting of Taelan and his family from the Scarlet Bastion.
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After witnessing the fall of Lordaeron and his comrades, Sir Thomas joined the Scarlet Crusade. When Thomas was ordered to kill a "plagued" village, he mistakenly killed his own family. Thomas went mad from grief, and was knocked out and forced into confinement by his fellow Crusaders. During his confinement, Sir Thomas' insanity steadily grew worse and he began muttering demented little rhymes in different pitches and tones, which made his guards very nervous. Saidan came up with a plan on how to help him - to send him to fight the undead on the upcoming Autumn holiday. However, this only made Thomas' insanity intensify as he slew both friend and foe alike, and the Crusaders were forced to kill him by cutting off his head. Afterward, Thomas was wrapped in cloth and was about to be prepared for cremation when Saidan proposed to prepare the body himself. Once alone and out of earshot, Balnazzar emerged from Saidan's corpse and using his own blood, infused Thomas' body with fel energies to raise Thomas into the Headless Horseman to spread fear and chaos during the holiday that is meant for giving peace of mind and hope for the future, Hallow's End.
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Alonsus Faol graciously welcomed King Anduin Wrynn when Prophet Velen and Moira Thaurissan brought him to the Netherlight Temple to recruit the Conclave in their mission to restore Azeroth from Sargeras' destruction. Alonsus' warm and friendly demeanor changed Anduin's perceptions of the undead and he came to see the Forsaken as just ordinary people in another form. Alonsus also introduced Anduin to his friend Calia Menethil. After the Alliance leaders addressed the Conclave about the plight of Azeroth and recruited them to their efforts, Alonsus commended Anduin for his leadership and as a fellow priest, invited him to take part in Conclave affairs whenever he wished.

Alonsus was doing his part in organizing the healing efforts by traveling to Horde cities and spurring them to support their cause. When King Anduin returned to Netherlight Temple to discuss with Faol and Calia the progress of their mission, Anduin transitioned the conversation to be about his plan to formalize a Gathering between the Forsaken and their human loved ones. Anduin sought to enlist Alonsus' aid in his endeavors. However, Alonsus had doubts of the two races' ability to move past their prejudices or theirs to overcome the obstacles that sought to oppose such a unity. Yet with Calia's urging, Alonsus agreed to work with his fellow priests to lay the groundwork for the event. He later traveled to the Undercity to relay King Anduin's missives to Vellcinda Benton and Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner, which concerned the proposal of the Gathering. When Nathanos Blightcaller reproached Alonsus for fraternizing with the Alliance High King, Faol claimed he was politically neutral as he was not a member of the Horde, but a simple priest of the Light. He remained in the Undercity for a few days to address any questions or concerns about the Gathering. According to Blightcaller, at one point he suggested that Faol pledge fealty to Sylvanas and the Horde, but the archbishop demurred, saying he preferred "'to serve the Light rather than kings or queens.'"
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One late evening, King Anduin summoned High Exarch Turalyon and King Genn Greymane to the Cathedral of Light and reunited them with Alonsus Faol, officially dressed as he was in life as an archbishop, in a last-ditch effort to convince them of the righteousness of his cause. Genn was outraged that Anduin would traumatize them by using an abominable version of their old friend in order to make a point. He accused Alonsus of manipulating the king, but Faol retorted to Greymane that his hatred of him stems from fear; fear that if he acknowledges the Forsaken as people, then he would also be acknowledging that his son died for nothing. Though Genn was about to assault Faol in fury, Turalyon stopped him as he would not permit violence in a sacred place. Faol tried to convince Genn his rage and pain was prohibiting him from understanding a truth that could change his perceptions, but Genn wanted to cling to hatred and sorrow as it was what fueled him to fight. Faol sympathized but when he asked if he would still hate the Forsaken if Faol came to him with a Forsaken Liam, Genn was shaken to the core. Unable to face the truth, Genn howled in fury and fled the Cathedral. After Genn left the cathedral in rage, Turalyon told Faol that he blasphemed what was once a good man and had stolen his form, and if there was anything left of his old friend Turalyon would kill him in mercy. But when Faol told Turalyon to look for the Light within him, Turalyon did not strike; when he did indeed find it, with tearful joy he knelt in front of the archbishop who gave him a blessing. Overjoyed Turalyon changed his mind about the Gathering and immediately admitting his views had been wrong, offered his help to Anduin.

Alonsus and his fellow priests attended the Gathering to supervise the event and to provide the participants with their blessings. The Gathering ended in tragedy, however, and his friend Calia was killed on the field by Sylvanas. He took her corpse back to Netherlight Temple and regretted authorizing her participation in the event. Miraculously, Calia's body was not decomposing. With Saa'ra's guidance, Saa'ra, Alonsus, and Anduin raised Calia back to life with the power of the Light, but as an undead.
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The hardy dwarves of Khaz Modan lived in peace for many long centuries. Long ago, the Bronzebeard clan was small. It was under Aegrim Bronzebeard that the clan began to flourish and command respect.

Roughly 230 years ago dwarven society grew too large within the confines of their mountain cities. Though the mighty High King, Modimus Anvilmar, ruled over all dwarves with justice and wisdom, three powerful factions had arisen amongst the dwarven society. The Bronzebeard clan, ruled by Thane Madoran Bronzebeard, held close ties to the High King and stood as the traditional defenders of Ironforge Mountain. The Wildhammer clan, ruled by Thane Khardros Wildhammer, inhabited the foothills and crags around the base of the mountain and sought to gain more control within the city. The third faction, the Dark Iron clan, was ruled by the Sorcerer-Thane Thaurissan. The Dark Irons hid within the deepest shadows under the mountain and plotted against both their Bronzebeard and the Wildhammer cousins.

For a time the three factions kept a tenuous peace, but tensions erupted when High King Anvilmar passed away from old age. The three ruling clans went to war for control of Ironforge itself. The dwarf civil war raged under the earth for many years. Eventually, the Bronzebeards, who had the largest standing army, banished the Dark Irons and Wildhammers from under the mountain.
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After months of starvation and wandering alone through the wastes, Gul'dan began to consider that the safety of a clan might be better than endless suffering. The bitterness that had sustained him all his life ate at him until nothing was left. After barely fighting off a group of giant carrion birds, he collapsed onto the ground. When he awoke, he heeded the old shaman's words and made his way to the Throne of the Elements, where he offered himself in the service of whatever would end his anguish. In response, the spirits of fire, earth, water and air erupted from the standing stones and began to swirl around him like rays of light. Just as he was about to touch them, the elements mysteriously recoiled from him, and the ray of light twisted into a tendril of shadow before vanishing. The elements had abandoned him, and Gul'dan was alone once again as rain began to pour. A single drop fell from his forehead into the pool of water in which he was kneeling, and in the absence of the furies, other voices began to whisper. They offered him a gift, and in return, he would become the harbinger of their fury.
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Following the Horde's defeat in the Second War the Alliance pressed the Horde back to the Blasted Lands, ultimately destroying the portal. On the Draenor side Ner'zhul was caught in the blast and gravely wounded. For two years while he recovered the clans of Draenor fought amongst themselves until Teron Gorefiend devised a plan of opening new portals and finding fresh worlds for the Horde to conquer. Teron went to Ner'zhul and asked the old shaman to lead the Horde once again. Ner'zhul having since recovered, had isolated his clan in Shadowmoon Valley, where he began seeing visions of death (potentially a foreshadowing of his future fate). He painted his face with a white skull. When Gorefiend, a being of undeath, came to him, Ner'zhul was not surprised, and after some persuasion, agreed to Gorefiend's plan to open more portals. In order to fullfill the plan he sought out several artifacts from Azeroth: the Skull of Gul'dan, the Book of Medivh, the Jeweled Scepter of Sargeras, and the Eye of Dalaran.
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The first item he acquired, the Skull of Gul'dan, soon began to influence the old shaman. His wayward apprentice was speaking to Ner'zhul through his last remains. Ner'zhul became more and more concerned with his own power and well being rather than that of the Horde.

Upon retrieving all of these artifacts save the Skull, he attempted to open portals throughout Draenor. Feeling the surge of power that came with having control of Draenor's magic, Ner'zhul stopped caring about the welfare of the Horde, and thought only of harnessing his new powers. In his hubris, he ordered his followers through the portals, leaving behind the Horde. Obris, one of his servitors, protested at Ner'zhul's choice to abandon the rest of the Horde. In response, Ner'zhul blasted him aside; he no longer cared. Inundated with power he could only have dreamed of, Ner'zhul's greed overcame him. Whatever vestiges of honor and altruism still remained in him vanished as he and his followers went through the first portal, abandoning the rest of the Orcish Horde to its fate. The vast energies that the spell created then tore the planet apart once Ner'zhul had fled, and the shattered realm of Outland was created.
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Chronoptic energy bursts from one plane to the other, evaporating anything it touches.