Jokerstein, butuh detail pada bagian mata dan mulut.
Sicks, nice one, tapi itu bkn google image kan...
Tricerafi, as always, try to blend the render with the back ground, it's too rough, and messy.
Shock, kaya toket, wait...

Wyverneon, tadinya mau gue kasih asap cuman ga cocok.
Last edited by Wyverneon; Jun 14, 2012 at 01:19 AM.
Seniman Elektronik Indonesia | GATA
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Originally Posted by jokerstein View Post
Wyverneon, ya saya juga berpikir begitu.... I'll fix it if I have time.
Sicks, ya.
Shock, it's a rocket.

hell no.
Originally Posted by Sicks View Post
Looks more like a lance than sword.
No wait, its a rocket.

Originally Posted by Wyverneon View Post
I thought you could not and do not make art ?

It's a lance ? No, a rocket, No ! It's an umbrella ( lol, liat itu biru-birunya )

fine.. wait nvm, no.

Originally Posted by toriabiz View Post
Jokerstein, butuh detail pada bagian mata dan mulut.
Sicks, nice one, tapi itu bkn google image kan...
Tricerafi, as always, try to blend the render with the back ground, it's too rough, and messy.
Shock, kaya toket, wait...

Wyverneon, tadinya mau gue kasih asap cuman ga cocok.

toket -.-
Originally Posted by Shocktrooper View Post
<--size fail.
what about that?
it's a greatsword. not literally.

those are my references, GREATSWORDS. still not literally.
+ itu udah jelas banget bukan gw yang bikin.
+i made a giant squid out of the same pic, not finished yet.

and fine! its a lance now!
i call it Gungnir.
Last edited by Sage; Jun 15, 2012 at 01:39 AM.
Like a lie
Gungnir is a spear, not lance.
Its a rocket.

Originally Posted by Wyverneon View Post
I thought you could not and do not make art ?

I never said I made it.

Originally Posted by toriabiz View Post
Sicks, nice one, tapi itu bkn google image kan...

Nope, anime seri nya saja baru dirilis 1 atau 2 bulan lagi.
#offtopic jokerstein, gmn caranya di bwah nama bisa kaya ad bendera Indo? harus VIP?

Click me

Originally Posted by Aero121 View Post

Too strange gak?
Feel free to Cnc too.

wow nice bkinnya make apa? kok ngecropnya bisa bagus rapih dan efeknya juga mantep 8,5/10
Originally Posted by oranganeh View Post
wow nice bkinnya make apa? kok ngecropnya bisa bagus rapih dan efeknya juga mantep 8,5/10

Bukan nge crop,tapi pake render.

Originally Posted by bintangfal View Post

menurut kalian benda apa lagi yang bisa di tambahin di head ini ? , oh dan CnC

Itu zombie head?Menurut saya,warnanya kurang cocok.Benda coklat didekat taringnya juga terlalu blur.
Dibagian belakangnya mungkin ditambahin lagi garisnya yang kayak dibagian depan.Telinga terlalu kecil dan shadingnya tambahin.
Itu previewnya pakai head 128 ya?