When is your next Clan League fight?
I'm sure they didn't cancel it

They might be alloting time for the bottom bracket to finish up or something
This guy was once a GameMaster
The mod will be announced this weekend
Originally Posted by PieGod View Post

I reached 6th dan. Just another 5000 games untill custom.

Another 14000 that is.

So we got any new recruits?
Thedevill:im 20 years
Thedevill:i have better to do
Oyeh, 10th to custom is like 10k games isn't it

1, possibly

Will do more recruiting over the next few days during my short break from wrestling
This guy was once a GameMaster
Piegod we on for clan league training soon?

Mod is JudoFrac
harro pie peoples.

Pm me on the weekend if you want to make some recruitment servers.
Thedevill:im 20 years
Thedevill:i have better to do