Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Nitrate View Post
Use Devil Jin and spam your panic moves alongside your electrics lol

Honestly the only thing I hate more than Devil Jin's panic moves is King's. I don't know, I just hate how people manage to play this character in lower ranks

Originally Posted by cowmeat View Post
I mean kazuya is exactly just a 50/50 machine. Sure he is difficult when it comes to hands, but he is certainly one of the easiest characters in the game when it comes to the head.
Jin/DVJ are better characters to practice fundamentals with if you still want to spam ewgf. But DVJ still has that get out of any situation noobkiller u4 and his 50/50 card.
BUT if you are not planning on becoming a high level tournament player, just play whoever. Its way too common for non competitive players to worry about their fundamentals and burn themselves out with the game, when they dont even plan on competing.

Edit: In this context fundamentals dont mean just learning the basics of backdashing, sidestepping or poking. But really focusing on, and perfecting them for hundreds and thousands of hours.

I agree with tabby in this one, even though I never went deep in Kazuya's mechanics, it never looked difficult to execute to me.
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What on earth would be difficult part with kazuya if not the mechanics?
Your offence loops itself thanks to HS and ff3 oki. You get that looping offence from your basic 112 knockdown and you control space with ewgf basically for free.
The only thing thats kind of difficult with kazuya besides the excecution is that you lack a generic df1, and you still have an i13 mid in df4 with a good hitbox.

BTW if someone wants to play a few, feel free to add me: 310805850
Originally Posted by cowmeat View Post
What on earth would be difficult part with kazuya if not the mechanics?

the fundamentals ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

whenever i see 2 players of the same skill level battling each other, and one of them is playing Kazuya, I always feel like the Kazuya player has to put a lot less effort in their hands and they have to play with their minds instead

what is it that you have to do with Kazuya that is easier to do with other characters?
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
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If any character can bypass fundamentals its actually kazuya.
What kind of special fundamentals do you need with him?
You can literally loop offence if you just guess right. People like Arslan who arguably have the best fundamentals in the world famously drop sets to lower tier kazuya players like BoaLuv, since if they have a good day with the reads on the 50/50s, theres not that much you can do. Forcing your opponent to guess from a looping HS is actually a great way to ignore fundamentals. Not to mention, ewgf basically plays neutral for you, and this is coming from a mishima player D

EDIT: Ill go to a playermatch and record a set to show you what I mean.
i can get that, im not saying he is a good character to be put in a higher tier by a player like Arslan Ash, but there is nothing absurdly hard to execute on his kit

and i would appreciate if you could record a match to reinforce your point too
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
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Okay, so heres a clip. I Dont really play kazuya so my rank is quite low and I dont really know any Kazuya specific stuff so bare with.
But as you can see for example here. I dont really need to think about much, I just backdash, spam ewgf and 50/50 whenever I want.
I literally used like HS/FF3 and ewgf only most rounds there.
Sure the opponent is clearly a lower skill level player comparatively but that still doesn't remove the point that you can just do those two things and it will work pretty much anywhere.

And yeah sure you need to have timings and you need to have some defence. But that is way less effort on my part than most character would have to do.
Im literally just spamming a 50/50 and ewgf

Last edited by cowmeat; Jan 25, 2021 at 04:13 PM.
by reading that im 100% sure now that we have the same opinion about Kazuya gameplay

also nice match
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
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forget about tiers and shit, tekken 7 is already pretty balanced, competitive tournament play is the only time when tier whoring matters, but then again, we saw rangchu win with panda against knee in twt.


Originally Posted by Sunther View Post
forget about tiers and shit, tekken 7 is already pretty balanced, competitive tournament play is the only time when tier whoring matters, but then again, we saw rangchu win with panda against knee in twt.

Well this is just not true. Tekken is certainly not balanced, we see the same few top picks every season from the top players. People like to throw out Rangchus TWT win as a reasoning as to why Tekken is actually balanced.
That just absolutely horrible use of argumentation for the fact that Tekken is or isnt balanced. We have ONE case where a "low tier" wins any kind of a major, literally just one. Arguing that the game is balanced because of a single real upset ever is insanity. The truth is that top tiers dominate tournament play every season. Rangchu didn't win because Tekken 7 is balanced, Rangchu won despite Tekken 7 not being balanced.

But yeah I do agree that if you are not aiming to become a competitive player, you shouldn't look at tier lists too much.
Last edited by cowmeat; Jan 26, 2021 at 08:04 AM.