Originally Posted by jokerstein View Post
huy guise, i rly forgot that i'm still in the clan and enigma's not deleted.

How do you even do that
Originally Posted by Deeza445 View Post
I dunno if I have to use invade or anything.
I'm just posting here to annoy JDeck.
Hi JDeck. :3
/me hugs JDeck

Originally Posted by Facade View Post
II. If you invade and use invade tags I will smack you in the face with a shovel.


Originally Posted by Vodka View Post

Back on topic in off topic: Gratz.


Originally Posted by Fear091 View Post
How do you even do that

It is indeed amazing to forget you are in a clan.
[RAWR]SlipAnc: two girls, one Siku
[RAWR]Siku: I was talking about having dicks in my mouth
Well we're allies, so
I dun need invade.
I was too lazy to go look before, just wanted to annoy JDeck.
Also, hi everyone else
the winter's chill grips the air once again. the sun seems dimmer than before
the [Frost] has returned
Originally Posted by xfoxyx View Post
Wow i forget that i play toribash.

hi guys.

Wow I forget I was alive.

hi foxy.
what am i doing here