i might be up to bronze I... if my old laptop didn't shit itself ;_;, ahh well, new laptop time
Originally Posted by Dr_Strangelove View Post
Lissandra falls off a bit lategame, but if you catch the enemy team off guard your initiation can be completely gamewinning. She's a midgame powerhouse, and has the ability to take weird ward avoiding paths to other lanes for ganks.

Look at this video:

I haven't played as trundle yet, but I played against him twice. He's just a huge pain in the ass that doesn't ever die. I think he can kill pretty much any bruiser 1vs1 from level 6 onwards.

Confirming this.

I was playing olaf top and was kinda fed already and just satcked hp items (locket/warmogs/randuins) Trundle singlehandly raped me and I couldnt even get away.
my brother has been playing the new trundle non-stop and has also been saying he is broken... Non-stop...
The Curious Whomba, Intruding Your Privacy.
I play EU West, name is Vermix, level 12 :3
<Icky> Butler is the worst es
<Reta> can I fire him yet ?
Originally Posted by Przero View Post
i might be up to bronze I... if my old laptop didn't shit itself ;_;, ahh well, new laptop time

I told you I was the better fizz

Trundle is indeed broken-tier right now. The pillar of filth, now pillar of ice, was already omgwtfhax in the right hands, but now he has the rework on his contamination, now frozen realm or whathave you, which makes his passive and ult absolute trolly, master level troll with that bonus regen item. Combined with a new minor slow on his q, he's literally a god in the jungle. He just needs to run into your lane and if you don't use flash right, he's virtually guaranteed to catch you from the slightest misposition.

Also, quinn buff actually makes her somewhat viable now cause of mini-stun.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games