I am craving chocolate milk or beer. How sad. Now I have to go outside to get some...
Crimson is Crisbon. Good food, tastes good.~Crisbon~ Jim the tuna is a whale.
I was wondering the same thing. A short form for a game that no one plays by the sounds of it...
Crimson is Crisbon. Good food, tastes good.~Crisbon~ Jim the tuna is a whale.
Originally Posted by Lionet View Post
what the fuck is MS?

Originally Posted by Pendragon View Post
I was wondering the same thing. A short form for a game that no one plays by the sounds of it...

Originally Posted by Hildetorr View Post
Metal Slug

What the heck guys? It's an amazing game. If any of you want to play it, I'd recommend starting with MS3.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Metal Slug is quite popular but MS around here are greenies
I remember one day I finished a Metal Slug game in a couple hours at Habib's
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
Need help? PM me! Reach me on Discord: Lionet#1325

Watch my Replays!

Originally Posted by Convict View Post
i had the complete series on a psp and beat all of them, best game to pass the time with especially if you are shitting

Pokémon > MS Love 'em both, but I actually enjoy playing pokémon more. I wish I could play X&Y.
I'm replaying Emerald.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592