Originally Posted by Trocher3 View Post
You hates it when the rain made your short skirt flies eh

Oh pantsu shot for everyone!
can i see too :O?

PS: I'm a Perv and im proud.

Originally Posted by kakajade View Post
Bleh , i can't chat now if more people invade the chat :s

Don't worry i'll bring more ppl here later
nah jk.

If you want us to leave just say so.
.: Kratos <3 ][ Tricerafi ( Evil Twin) <3 ][ Raiken & Kaito <3 ][ Manta <3 ][ NvSfocus ][ Wylde][ Pure ][ Trocher3 ][ Shrook :.
~I got Death and a Vampire as Waifus ~
Yeah we'll do like the trees do in atumn
(Psst, kakajade you should totally check out the art thread)
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
hahahaha, but the art was soo kawai.
.: Kratos <3 ][ Tricerafi ( Evil Twin) <3 ][ Raiken & Kaito <3 ][ Manta <3 ][ NvSfocus ][ Wylde][ Pure ][ Trocher3 ][ Shrook :.
~I got Death and a Vampire as Waifus ~
Originally Posted by DarkDranz View Post
hahahaha, but the art was soo kawai.

np , i just made my revenge on lvl 1 , look in the art thread ;)
Originally Posted by kakajade View Post
Lazors , i hate you now ;_;

Really? :c
I just wanted to make you happy


Really sorry :c
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore