Tell her she has a nice butt and go out with her friends, then ignore her and stop liking her. BEST option.

LOL no that's a joke, don't be an ass. I hate seeing people who repeatedly say hot/sexy instead of beautiful/gorgeous to their girlfriends. I mean, sexy and hot work in certain situations.. But those situations.. I doubt you should be having those situations at 13. Haha.
Just spend some time with your friends and her, and then someday ask her to be with you, only you, and ask her.
I'm like what , 13. What an unclean mind you have , or maybe I just twisted your meanings
Element is Recruiting
Sincerely, GanGuan the Water Mammoth
Originally Posted by GanGuan View Post
I'm like what , 13. What an unclean mind you have , or maybe I just twisted your meanings

13... >.>
[Ele] Leader | [Bleu] Supervisor | Artists' Co-op
lol, religion is not for suggestion.
You have to choose it yourself
Last edited by Sniper; Apr 24, 2012 at 05:35 PM.
u wot m8