nice guys! I really need to improve at madmans, I am not close to your level yet. Ray you posted the finished version in your replays thread.

Nic that looked amazing, too bad you lost ur hand when u got the boom.

Vic: so many dms lol, nice, no opener tho

I just keep practising, might get that good some day Dx I also go abit further in the pk
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me pk no uke 8.rpl (375.1 KB, 4 views)
first replay is pretty wierd and cool.
too short do something longer.
parkour:ehh work on is cool
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
yeah some tips on how to climb would help.

You got a nice manip there, tho I think you should have got better dms, the decap wasnt too fluent. Gj tho

opener was too slow imo

lift to crotch is nice

nice hit to elbow

elbow dm is a bit weird imo

split was nice

dont like the decap

invite me to your clan ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
The eyes and lips look weird, dont match the style of the rest of the head, so you might re make them.
The hair could be distributed better, when u test it in gamein the fron you have lots of it in the middle and barely none in the sides.
The rest is pretty good tho, it just needs some work
Not really good at art, but I'll still CnC

The style is really nice imo, although the face looks pretty weird.

the robotic stuff is nice, but I think the lines could be smoother

I think the mapping could be a bit better, so we can see the thing at the bottom of the head better.

Gj over all though

made this simple mad man, cause yolo
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invite me to your clan ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Oh snap, people can post art here? Cool beans. texturing event entree (and a random head I'm finishing)




juan punche mayn
i liked the fisrt one , the colors are sweet and soft
try to make the skin lighter on the last one
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yo yo.rpl (129.1 KB, 6 views)