Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by BlubKill View Post
i would wait for lissandra, she seems really strong with the same gameplay style like xerath (long range)...

Lissanadra isn't a long range burst mage. Shes is a low range ap with retarded CC.
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA
I would wait for lissandra , hopefully lol doesn't disappoint some like they did with vi.
Btw anybody up for some ranked duo? I am Platinum league jungle
Originally Posted by j4nd0 View Post
Lissanadra isn't a long range burst mage. Shes is a low range ap with retarded CC.

I'm thinking she might end up in the top lane.

Her poke is shit, and her range is awful, so why go mid and just get poked out of lane? If she goes top she could easily counter some ad bruisers. Darius and Garen always struggle against mobile ap champs and she kind of fits that role.

Reminds me a lot of elise and I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up being build like an AP bruiser.
Originally Posted by sham View Post
I'm thinking she might end up in the top lane.

Her poke is shit, and her range is awful, so why go mid and just get poked out of lane? If she goes top she could easily counter some ad bruisers. Darius and Garen always struggle against mobile ap champs and she kind of fits that role.

Reminds me a lot of elise and I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up being build like an AP bruiser.

Yea, getting items such as hourglass, abyssal, rylais, torment and maybe a morellonomicon for the %cdr and mana regen.
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA
Originally Posted by kball View Post
Using heim 28 freaking assist!
yea yea yea go head and critique me on the item choices.


actually a farely good build but the bilgewater and the thornmail.
Lissandra actually seems to have decent AP ratios considering she's heavy AoE and CC. They seem to hover between .5 and .75 ratios, which aren't that bad.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Lissandra actually seems to have decent AP ratios considering she's heavy AoE and CC. They seem to hover between .5 and .75 ratios, which aren't that bad.

Ye, she has good sustained damage and decent burst. But for being a mid range AP caster, her viability mid where TF, Lux, etc dominate, I just can't see her being effective in the mid lane. Her top though sounds amazing though; kiting potential through the roof, incredible initiation and following up CC for ganks, and invulnerability to prevent tower dives. I believe her subpar range is going to break her as trying to be an effective support, unless you just pick her for the CC and nothing else.
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA
Her range isn't bad though, that's what I don't understand about this argument :s She excels close up, but she's not a pushover at range either.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by sham View Post
actually a farely good build but the bilgewater and the thornmail.

I built the thornmail because they were building up ad forgot what I was building with the bilgewater.