Originally Posted by GodlyGirl View Post
Chrysailis Has Her... But, I Got Her To Set Her Free, Shes Comeing Home Soon, Dont Worrie <3 Shes Needs To Feed The Chanelings. She Didnt Know, and She Just Wants Freinds But She Has Alot Off Hearts To feed Still

I told you she was bad, you should have listened to me.
Leader of nothing
Originally Posted by fluxpony View Post
Well I met something n the Everfree which scared me a lot, and I still haven't found Derpy :c

Just read through all of it :o
Godly you sure know some things about the changelings. Is Derpy safe?
Originally Posted by fluxpony View Post
I told you she was bad, you should have listened to me.

I Know Shes Bad, Im Just Trying to Help Her Change Atleast... A Lil...

Derpy's finally home, but with a lot of new ponies. I haven't let them in but they are waiting outside the door.
Leader of nothing