Originally Posted by ynvaser View Post
I would want it public if I were him, so that is why I made it. You can post there or you can ignore it, I just wanted to let you know it exists.

whatever you say cunt
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Originally Posted by ynvaser View Post
I would want it public if I were him, so that is why I made it. You can post there or you can ignore it, I just wanted to let you know it exists.

The thing is you arent him. We had already mourned his loss upon being told by Tsuion. If any of us / creati0n / Tsuion thought it was a good idea dont you think we would have made one on our own board rather than a commonunity board. Quite frankly all of us believe what you did was a cuntish move, I understand you had innocent intentions.
Last edited by Goose; May 10, 2018 at 08:48 AM.

Originally Posted by ynvaser View Post
You are free to think whatever, I wasn't looking for your approval. I'm sorry it upset you.

whats the issue with it

if you read the thread you can see how most of them were his friends, people that he's helped out or just people that have interacted with him in positive ways, i don't see the issue in letting them know

everyone in that thread is wishing that he rests in peace, is that a negative or disrespectful thing?
Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
wow you are just such a fucking cunt

its not about upsetting us its just you clearly went to offtopic to post that because it was shocking and news so instead of thinking hmm should i post this in offtopic on this public forum full of retards, should I? but you skipped that step and just did it anyways because you wanted the attention

read what tsuion wrote on the thread, worded better. always knew you were cunty

You need to get your head out of your ass. He was one of our applicants for a while, so we hung out a great deal, and like I've said on the thread I've known him for a long time even before that.
You faggots need to take a step back and stop being upset for the sake of being upset, afterall, we are talking about a friend dying and remembering him in some fashion so people don't go "hm, i wonder where ocean is".
Unbelievable, i'm done talking to you petty shits.
Originally Posted by ynvaser View Post
You need to get your head out of your ass. He was one of our applicants for a while, so we hung out a great deal, and like I've said on the thread I've known him for a long time even before that.
You faggots need to take a step back and stop being upset for the sake of being upset, afterall, we are talking about a friend dying and remembering him in some fashion so people don't go "hm, i wonder where ocean is".
Unbelievable, i'm done talking to you petty shits.

At the end of the day, the people who were close to him already knew about it before you made the thread, so the only reason for that thread to exist is for you to feel better about yourself. And reap attention. Coca brought up a valid point that a person's death isn't something that should be discussed in an off-topic chat of some forum filled with literal retards, which you didn't even address.

Originally Posted by ynvaser View Post
U-u-u-unbelievable, i'm d-d-d-done talking to you petty shits.


You sure showed us. Off yourself, nigger.
oh fuck its going down someone get the water because fire is being thrown
My aunt has 2 great big personalities (boobies), and i love playing with them all night long