Originally Posted by Sucy View Post
wtf is that clan usertitle


I like it tho.
Hello peeps
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
everyone that has less than 2,967 posts shall knee before me >:^)
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
Need help? PM me! Reach me on Discord: Lionet#1325

Watch my Replays!

Originally Posted by Convict View Post

Yo hey convict, nice Metal Slug gif avvy, I only played 2 and 3 though.

Originally Posted by Pendragon View Post
Whats up

not much, just tb, drawing and shit, hby?
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
I have just been bored lately. Been having a bad couple of days and such so I have not been too active.
Crimson is Crisbon. Good food, tastes good.~Crisbon~ Jim the tuna is a whale.
I have been inactive in game because my game keeps disconnecting me from servers
also pendagron, pls rember happy day. Good times will come
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
Need help? PM me! Reach me on Discord: Lionet#1325

Watch my Replays!

There are always good times. Happy day!
Crimson is Crisbon. Good food, tastes good.~Crisbon~ Jim the tuna is a whale.