Yes we/i will take the time looking at each artists skill level to matchup balanced teams. We need a system to have everyone doing a part though... It cant be just one guy doing everything in the team

Any ideas for that?
Originally Posted by Fluxorious View Post
Practice is always the key ;)

Guess what guys! Great News
We will be co-hosting an Art related Event with the ES Team! Right now theres not much decided but if you have any great ideas be sure to post it here.

We even can judge!
So, who's up for the task?

But we need Headles back! Where did he go

Dude that sounds sick. I have no idea what we should do, but that sounds cool.

headles is busy with college and work and shit.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
Originally Posted by Fluxorious View Post
Ouh, i have a good one.

Theres a sign up period where everyone can enter with a little entry fee. After the time is up players will be assigned into a team (we will see about the teamsize after everyone signed in) after each team has been chosen and put into a bracket (like CL) every single team gets a task to draw a headtexture, this task could be: Cartoon, 4eyed, brain.and with those keywords they have to draw the headtexture. The 2 teams that have to ,,fight" against each other will be judged my different criterias. Until theres a final winning team.

Im really in love with this Concept,, Art League"
Should we pick it?

Seems to be the Current way to go Weoo. Still needs some work though
So with the recent influx of free textures a lot of people have been getting upset, because of this I decided to go and make this thread about adding a new rule to toribash. This rule would give artist a bit more control over the handling of the texture(s) after being sold. Feel free to go give your opinions of this rule, and add your ideas to it as well.
AnimePlanetMyAnimeListDiscord: Kohta#1577 • NikosTunaPouffyAubreyGuessTenRythm
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• Crippled/Disabled girls are the best girls a guy could have. •
did another thing. made this one like, really quick. so im surprised this came out so well.

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It looks nice Weoo, you're doing a good job filling up the blank space on your hair, but overall the head is just really boring to me. There isn't any wow factors on it that make it really desirable.

P.S. I hate it when the eyes are the same color as the hair.
AnimePlanetMyAnimeListDiscord: Kohta#1577 • NikosTunaPouffyAubreyGuessTenRythm
• No longer "active" on Toribash. Leave a PM if you need something, I'll eventually see it. •
• Crippled/Disabled girls are the best girls a guy could have. •
Originally Posted by WeooWeoo View Post
what should I add? also, you been working on anything lately?

Just add some extra stuff that adds character, like beauty marks, scars, face paint, hair clips, tattoos, etc...

As for what I've been working on... Meh I just haven't really been motivated really, I have an unfinished head that I want to do, but I've just been to busy with school to get around to finishing it.

P.S. Just had a fun idea for that head. Since the eyes are looking to the side, why not put something in his hair, as if he was looking at that thing. Like one of your cute fruits hiding in his hair or something.
AnimePlanetMyAnimeListDiscord: Kohta#1577 • NikosTunaPouffyAubreyGuessTenRythm
• No longer "active" on Toribash. Leave a PM if you need something, I'll eventually see it. •
• Crippled/Disabled girls are the best girls a guy could have. •
Oh I see what you mean. yeah, I'll probably add something like a button or maybe some characteristics that make it pop. thanks!

you should make something crazy. surprisingly, I haven't been using a mirror tool as much like I did a while ago when I first got the tablet

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."


This is the head I had started a month or so back, but I ended up not finishing it, might try and start working on it again, but I hate mapping hair....
AnimePlanetMyAnimeListDiscord: Kohta#1577 • NikosTunaPouffyAubreyGuessTenRythm
• No longer "active" on Toribash. Leave a PM if you need something, I'll eventually see it. •
• Crippled/Disabled girls are the best girls a guy could have. •