Greetings and Salutations to ye gents. It is me jesus here and i hope ye consider me application for ye clan harharharhardyhar. (that was my attempt at a pirate laugh). You be wonderin what i have to offer to the Legendary Clan of WAPOW. That had be a very experienced and active person to be at ye disposal whenever you need, i am always more than willing to donate to wapow events as much as i can conjure from the great lands of tc and items. How oftend i play, that had be every day of the week every week unless something super duper hugely bad happens. i am on atleast 4 hours every day and can sometimes lose myself in the magic of the game and stay on for 12 hours in a day. Do i post regularly on forums? for that i have a question for, does irc count? i post regularly when im in clans and i post whenever i need something in market or support or something im inquiring about to poeple via pm, and if irc counts in this then i post alot, i spend a while every other day in support irc talking to arctic and chirs and anyone else around the irc. I respond to every pm i get and i check every day and if i am expecting a message or response i check all throughout the day via moble. My toribash experience, lets get us started! my toribash experience began 3 years ago. As the dashing young tori known as jspare2017, i made a great many friends and caught on to the game fast and found myself more addicted to toribash than a chimpanzee on cocain. The account steadied its improvement until i decided to make a alt. You see, at the time i had no idea what my password was when i made a alt, and therefor my origional account.... was lost forever to the sands of the toribashaccount sea, never to be seen again. My alt was then my new life, the name was Lithic Dawn. o had taken the idea of the name from The Elder Scrolls lV Oblivions in game cult know as the Mythic Dawn. I only stayed on the account for a few months before tragedy struck. My labtops mouse pad had stopped working, so my mother sent it to some country to get fixed, and it was half a year before i could see it again. and when it got back it was messed up even worse. So i got a new one.... With my new pc i reinstalled toribash immediately and i had to make another account because you guessed it, i forgot my password. And that brings us closer to here, the year of our lord 2014 I named the account with the most legendary and frightening name i could imagine..... nicejesus. i quickly joined the first clan i saw. That clan was Bad Company, i rose my way through the ranks and eventually became the leader of the clan. But by the time i had ascended to the throne of leader, the damage was too great, the clan had many innactive members and the active ones wanted to repurpose the clan. So i gave the leadership of the clan to a formal leader and went lone wolf for a while. after a month or so of lone wolfing i found myself friends with the leaders of aeon, chirs and animal. They took me on under their wing for a while, i made friends with a few members in that clan via steam but, they wernt in game active as i was expecting. eventually after being in the clan for a month or so i decided to contact a few guys in wapow who i had become great friends with. it has been a while and i cant remember who it was that originally took me into wapow, it was either eltyon, crichman, or flamesmash, its been a while i cant seem to recall who. I stayed in wapow for a small while, helping out in ways i could here in there in wars and donating for things wapow needed. Then one day i got on and i saw that a group of members had left and made a clan called saints, i was very confused at this and when i asked it had turned out fleshmon was trying to make a clan of his own. i decided to join him and try to help him out on building his new clan. The clan didnt last very long at all, only living for a week or two. so then it was christmas break and my schedule was all sorts of crazy and i had some more time. So i left the now dead clan knows as saints and decided for the rest of the christmas break i would have fun and not worry about anything. And Finally we are here, the present. new years. my christmas break is coming to a close and it is time for me to get back into a routine. That is my toribash experience, the whole story from begining to now. i dont have skype, i used to on my old pc. i prefer to not speak since my internet is at my moms store and it would be very odd to everyone because i would be talking to a computer...... RENEGADE FOR LIFE. Although i am steamfriends with many wapow members and often use that and pm's to communicate. I consider myself a bit skillful in many mods my favorite mod and the mod i am most skillful in is..... ABD!!!!! i am also highly skilled in lenshu mods, mushu mods, and daycare.tbm. And now for the realm of the real. i was born december 30th 1998. I am currently 17 years old as of yesterday. YAY!!!! I am currently a junior in high school and my hobies are ggaaammmiiinnnggg....... and band, woop woop! i play trumpet and i am a beast at playing it. I hope playing trumpet will get me a cheap to free way into college. Also in school i am taking a web design class and know how to make a web page, but we havent started publishing them yet ;~;. I am in many Dragonball social groups on kik because if you dont know, i am a HUGE dragonball fanboy and quite proud of it because goku can deffinately beat superman any day of the week. I am also a lifeguard, i worked my first summer at a waterpark in alabama know as Spring Valley Beach. i have saved 2 children in my time their and hope to be returning next summer. I Belive this is all the things requested on the application requirements and i dearly hope that ye gentleman consider me for returning to WAPOW, good day to you all and... HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!!!!!! also... WAPOW!!!!
Last edited by Tempest; Jan 1, 2016 at 03:03 AM. Reason: WAPOW
No wapow, if i didn't badly read you forgot the sentence where you bought at least 15k QI mang nice text and all but

pending from me.
Last edited by Kamy; Jan 1, 2016 at 01:44 PM.
i believe it wasnt required for me to tell you about things i have baught in my application, my appologies for assuming you knew.
oh is this where i put my signature?
He did not need to add that mrkamikaz. :P I like your app nicejesus, you are very nice and enjoyable in game. If I can vote I say yes.
'Haku is my lenshu senpai uwu' ~ Static
Yeah we all know NJ has bought QI but i dont really care tbh. Hes a good player, a great guy, and a good friend. ACCEPTED
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!
Originally Posted by nicejesus View Post
i believe it wasnt required for me to tell you about things i have baught in my application, my appologies for assuming you knew.

alright then i'll try to meet you ingame to see if you're a good player and maybe turn my choice over/