ok.. i'm going to download big bro again.. by the way... neon... you meant crowded? xD
|[Essence]|GATA|Artist Co-Op|Italians Do It Better|TA|
State whats your belt (At least 7th Dan). 7th dan

State your reason for wanting to join JollyRoger.
-> Well, Most of you may not like me or know me, buy I know this clan really well, I've been wanting to join you guys ever since I was a 4th dan. Since some of you did not like me, I was really scared of getting shamed and denied, later on, I don't know what, but something tells me I belong in this clan, and I fit in with you guys. Before some of you say "GTFO!" or "Get ye' Out fag" i WOULD like you to know, I am a good member and one of the old members of the community and still struggling to hang on. You guys are on e of the Best and MOST SUCCESSFUL clans I've ever seen, and I came back to join you guys. You are proud, skilled, more of a all rounder. Some clans are just like, forum based, but you guys are all rounded. I just could not stop myself from coming back.

State if you had any earlier clans that you were part of.
[RAM] [MFR] [Adventure]

State why u left that clan.
-> [RAM] It died
-> [MFR] Kicked for being too smart, no seriously I can show you old threads
-> [Adventure] Felt like I didn't fit in. Clan failed (to me) anyways.
State if you had any earlier accounts (including the names of those accounts).
->One brought alternate account, 2nd Dan, 1163

State what happened to those accounts.

State if you have bought Qi.
-> No Qi brought

State past infractions/bans.
-> A infraction for backseat moderation
-> One for useless post
-> And 2 for Spam, once I was a newbie
-> 2 bans for infraction build up

State your timezone.
-> Bangladesh, GMT +6

State your age.
-> 14, turning 15 2 weeks later

Forum activity.
-> 10/10
In game avtivity.
-> 9/10 (due to a low RAM in my computer)

Vouchers (The guy who invited you).
-> Sorry none

Any special skills (such as texture making, video making, things like that).
-> I write Articles

Japan's Crysis

China's Air Pollution

Inside Singapore's Culture

Operation Theatre Or "Hell"

Some replays.
-> Added

And finally state something about youself,that you would like us to know.
-> I am a boy who likes to read books, eat and have fun. I am easy to get along with, I help a lot of people, (in real life and toribash). I am really friendly and sweet. I like to hang out with friends.

->Let me tell you a bit about my fighting style. Once I play aikido, I start on with a normal or advanced starter. Then it's all about improvising to me, if I'm losing, I do whatever I can to turn it into a win with my previous experience of losing! With my experience, I regain balance, if something is fractured, i consider it as relaxed. It's pretty easy to me actually. Belts don't matter, skills don't matter, experience does.
Attached Files
KooK - Madman#1.rpl (115.3 KB, 11 views)
decap+split combo.rpl (91.4 KB, 5 views)
KooK - Roadkill.rpl (66.0 KB, 5 views)
KooK-AikidoBamm.rpl (60.3 KB, 5 views)
kooky-decap_hand .rpl (41.1 KB, 4 views)
KooK - Aikido Brawl.rpl (43.7 KB, 9 views)
KooK- split 19.rpl (52.1 KB, 4 views)

You were also a part of Voltage where you left and this is just one that I know of. I remember that I saw your application in a ton of other clans as well.

Another thing I dislike is that you consider yourself an Akido Master and after seeing the replays you submited for your ill-posted application in Team Akido I have to say that it's far from the truth.

If you are such a good member of the community, why do most people I know ( including myself) think that you are annoying? And why are you such a clan-hopper?

You also couldn't care less that I told you before to use invade tags, which brings me to believe that you were just post whoring on our clan board without reading the replies after you posted.

I say 100% no. Come back in a year or preferably 2 if you get better and have a better rep as well.

Edit: I knew I remembered seeing something really dumb: your application for torigod
Last edited by Zalmoxis; May 14, 2011 at 08:02 AM.
I was in other clans too, I mentioned all the officials ones. I don't count non officials.
I'm sorry for any sort of being dumb. You should take a look at my replays. One i made right now.
KooK - Boomad%D2.rpl
^^ made 2 minutes ago ^^
look me up in game,
tell me what books u read, the ones u liked so far
wishful eyes deceive me
how can you be dumb, you clearly stated in your application, "you were too smart and got kicked outt" clearly you arn't dumb now are you? 2 years 6.5k posts thats (if i did my math right) 8 posts a day, and leme tell you. that seems like some spam shit is going on.
(thats right bitches its called math these days). ANYWAYS!!! um, i say no if most of our members don't have a good impresion on you chances are most other people don't like you either. "infractions 2 for spam" etc etc. 2 bans? come the fuck on marine not even devil has that many bans... ANWAYS!!!! i say no once again. "im really sweet" if you aint a girl i have the feeling you like men. NO OFFENCE INTENDED i just needed to point that out. I've never even seen you ingame. ALSO, you make no attempt what so ever to become friends by finding us ingame to chat and stuff. you don't even have a voucher.
i made this very harsh cause Zalmo commanded me too but seriously. NO!

Missuse; get your ass ingame /jo jollyr me and zalmo are there
Last edited by DropKick; May 14, 2011 at 09:14 AM.
A dueler is only a good as his finest lift.

I love many people on this forum such as ...
I respect...

shovelmod= epic
Last edited by DropKick; May 14, 2011 at 09:21 AM.
A dueler is only a good as his finest lift.

I love many people on this forum such as ...
I respect...
Originally Posted by Dr0pK1ck View Post
Missuse; get your ass ingame /jo jollyr me and zalmo are there

sry babe, got a trip to get ready for, tomorrow evening for sure

have fun!
wishful eyes deceive me