At that point in the game, it would be a smart idea to upgrade your boots to Travels, because every Meepo has separate BoTs cooldown. (Split farming ftw) Also, Armlet is not the ideal item because only one Meepo benefits from the active, but Armlet is fun on every hero

I did not watch the replay, so I do no know this, but try to micro your Meepos more to get maximum farm. (2 Meepos jungling, 1 farming a lane, ect.) Meepo should always have high gpm and xp/pm because he can farm multiple areas simultaneously.
Originally Posted by Laser View Post
At that point in the game, it would be a smart idea to upgrade your boots to Travels, because every Meepo has separate BoTs cooldown. (Split farming ftw) Also, Armlet is not the ideal item because only one Meepo benefits from the active, but Armlet is fun on every hero

I did not watch the replay, so I do no know this, but try to micro your Meepos more to get maximum farm. (2 Meepos jungling, 1 farming a lane, ect.) Meepo should always have high gpm and xp/pm because he can farm multiple areas simultaneously.

i think armlet is shared though, it's a 25str gain for 2500 gold as opposed to a 3200 gold reaver (attack damage and other buffs aren't shared)

not sure about the BoT because minions were in our base all the time
f=m*a syens
If the game gets to that stage then there's not much else you can do.

So long as you get fast levels, fast aghs, good split farming, help out in ganks/team fights then you are doing your part.

Personally I like aghs -> travels, but some say vlads is needed first and for gank blink is better.

But in the situation where you just have to defend, meepo cannot be utilized, so perhaps you can say your team should have made more space for you. Or maybe you should have ganked earlier to help push advantage.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Мипо, учись играть.
How did luna get to 0-12?:S
My zoo:Vog-dog,kat-cat,Matt76-brother,tman-tbitch,iRookie-lesbian,RKG-erky,brigada-bitch-X.
^ Squishy agi heroes die fast especially against magic. She is also very weak in lane.

Though she does have 16 assists so probably LC kept stealing. Not that it matters I'd rather have my LC farmed than my luna in that situation.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
it was just a shit team setup that lost this. We had no way of stopping the NP pushing, and he ended up fed as hell

on the other hand, last two games have been great.

At this point I know how to use control groups well, and know what to do in team fights (coordination of snares, controlswapping to front meepo etc etc). Next thing I need to learn is how to maximise exp gain in early game. I now take the easy lane and use first clone to pull creeps and get a bit of neutral creep exp. I also use him to stack camps. What else can I do? I also want to start using a blink dagger.
f=m*a syens
same as sunr1se, try to practice the dagger->poof combo, it's fun and deadly. It isn't a hard one anyways, it's easier than what it seems.
Vlad -> dagger -> aghs -> shivas on my personal opinion is the best combo.

Do you guys still have a 100% win rate hero?