Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Dargon View Post
You should also note that even tho the stat gien by runes/masteries seem insignificant they do add up to over 3000G, if choosen right.

Yep, you basicly start with extra 3000 Gold in every single game if you have right runes.

Playing with "No defensive stats" pages in normals is okay, even I do that every now and then when I want to fuck things up (Some people might remember my Pure AD/manaregen Kha, shit was rad!) . But using those pages in rankeds is a no-no. Hell, I have 4 different runepages and two mastery pages for Vayne alone, depending on who I'm agaisnt in lane.

And atm I can't even play my favorite support, Sona because I lack even decent runepage for her.... Going to botlane with her 9 (+ runes and masteries) armor, you're just a walking free blood, even if the other support is a passive support, such as Janna.

I actually played a ranked game with "I main supports Sona" who had 9 armor, against Tresh + MF. They literally three shot her. AA + Q from MF and AA from Thresh... And we all know how well MF and Tresh snowball...

So wait.. You're telling me that for example, a support Sona starts out with 3k gold just like that with the runes and mastries? That's insane. automatic sight stone and philo right there.

And what are your runes for a support anyways? Not for the 3k gold one but normally.
Originally Posted by purangel View Post
So wait.. You're telling me that for example, a support Sona starts out with 3k gold just like that with the runes and mastries? That's insane. automatic sight stone and philo right there.

And what are your runes for a support anyways? Not for the 3k gold one but normally.

Pretty much always armour reds and MR blues. You can pick and mix between gold/10 and armour yellows, as well as movement speed and gold/10 quints depending on what kind of lane you think it will be.

Originally Posted by Hippybob View Post
3000g is a bit of an overstatement.

You really cannot overstate the importance of having the right runes.
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> nearly 3 hours of nobody saying a word
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[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> gg toribash
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Originally Posted by Dr_Strangelove View Post

You really cannot overstate the importance of having the right runes.

Right runes aren't as good as being a bloodthirster over your opponent
A standard rune page of:

- 16 ad
- 13 armor
- 11 mr

is 1160g in stats.
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA
Originally Posted by j4nd0 View Post
A standard rune page of:

- 16 ad
- 13 armor
- 11 mr

is 1160g in stats.

1160 is approx 3000

ur so dum j4ndO
Originally Posted by Hippybob View Post
Right runes aren't as good as being a bloodthirster over your opponent

Good luck getting a BT in laning phase w/o runes.
Originally Posted by sham View Post
Good luck getting a BT in laning phase w/o runes.

Yeah I'm just saying starting with runes is not as good as a BT in terms of gold efficiency. Or anything worth 3k really.
Originally Posted by j4nd0 View Post
A standard rune page of:

- 16 ad
- 13 armor
- 11 mr

is 1160g in stats.

With which champions would you run those runes and expect to be able to win lane? Nobody that I have uses 3 AD quints with the possible exception of vi and riven. If you were to use that runepage as an AD carry you will lose every trade and lose every lane unless your jungler/support does something spectacular.

Yes, for those of you who like to be anal about every minor detail, dargon was exaggerating the actual gold value of having runes. However it's very difficult to accurately measure the benefits of the ideal runepage. I'm sure you all know that seemingly small early game advantages mean a LOT given what is likely to happen in mid-late game when this advantage has been abused.
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> nearly 3 hours of nobody saying a word
[02:19] * Tamer0 is now known as TamerAfk
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> gg toribash
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