Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by $tellar View Post
Decided to play Riven seriously after quite a long break from her. I guess I still got it

End Game

On Riven, AD is amazing on her. BT would have been better than Static Shiv because Riven has 6 AD ratios (passive, Q, W, E, R and wind slash) whereas Crit chance and movespeed do next to nothing on her.
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA
The only reason why I like CLG to win their games in LCS is the interview after.

Originally Posted by sham View Post
Rumble stronk...

4-1 with him in ranked.

Also, mf is really good.

I'm 9-1 with her.

Ye, rumble gud. I'm 11-6 with Rumble and went on a 6 win streak with him.
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA
Ugh. Being in the 80 - 100 LP bracket is hard stuff. I started at 89 LP.

Won 4 points in the first game, was pretty close. I was able to dish out enough damage before being focused down for my mid pantheon to get a penta kill, (I got a penta assist). Next game I was forced to support and went Lulu, enemy MF dc'd so it was a 5v4 stomp and I gained 2 league points bringing me up to 95 LP. Last game was painful. Enemy team had a heavy AP/CC comp vs our no tank/no bulwalk comp ending in a 5 LP loss.

So in 3 games I gained 1 point.

Worst Case Scenario: It will take 10 wins to get to my promotion matches.
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA

First time Zac

So I finished moving houses and whatnot and got on LoL to test out Zac in pvp.
Carried my team in a 4v5, where graves fed so hard early game like it wuz his job.
Then alistar raged cuz graves was feeding and I got free kills across the map and whatnot.

Still think spirit visage is worthless on zac unless he is facing heavy magic damage, just build SpellVamp.
The Curious Whomba, Intruding Your Privacy.
Most recent match with jax Good? i played mid most of the match


¤Team Wushu Tier 5 ¤
"Roses are red, violets are blue, faces like yours belong in the zoo. Don't be mad, I'll be there too. Not in the cage but laughing at you.".