is it wireless??
If so just get a ethernet cable and stick it in ur computer/laptop/iPad (i play it on my iPad :S)

Err.. no dont stick a ethernet cable up ur iPads ass that will break it xD
I've been having wierd lag issues to. Most servers i'm fine.... But it's just this one that I FUCKING LAG OUT OF NOWHERE. I've played on it for months just fine. Then after the slimes came back I lag. But even on servers with slimes aswhell I don't lag on them? So like, what the fuck? But yeah, i'll look into it. Depending on how many people would play.
Originally Posted by Bio View Post
I've been having wierd lag issues to. Most servers i'm fine.... But it's just this one that I FUCKING LAG OUT OF NOWHERE. I've played on it for months just fine. Then after the slimes came back I lag. But even on servers with slimes aswhell I don't lag on them? So like, what the fuck? But yeah, i'll look into it. Depending on how many people would play.

I just sorta fixed all my lag, I just turned Limit Framerate to ON and I am having no lag issues. Anyway yeah, if you make a server I would definitely want to join.
Originally Posted by Bio View Post
Not bad. I'll definetely ask around and see how manypeople would want to play on a server with me and find out how much i'll need to spend. I have 80$ so it'll be a temporary server. Unless i get other people from the mc forums to willinglly donate

That'd be pretty sweet, I like your creations.
Speaking of which, I've started a plan for my sp world. Gonna make 3 villages. All of them will be connected via minecart tracks in a triangle shape. IN the middle of the triangle will be an awesome something. Not sure what.

Also each village will be independent from on another. Meaning each one will have plenty of supplies ( 15+ blocks of diamond ) I have 2 done-ish. second village isn't well supplied enough.
Originally Posted by Bio View Post
Speaking of which, I've started a plan for my sp world. Gonna make 3 villages. All of them will be connected via minecart tracks in a triangle shape. IN the middle of the triangle will be an awesome something. Not sure what.

Also each village will be independent from on another. Meaning each one will have plenty of supplies ( 15+ blocks of diamond ) I have 2 done-ish. second village isn't well supplied enough.

Isn't that like your other world? :3
Nope. I abanoned that huge city thing. to lazy. lels. This is the world that i posted awhile ago with that lighthouse and boatdock, fishing deck etc.
Originally Posted by Bio View Post
Nope. I abanoned that huge city thing. to lazy. lels. This is the world that i posted awhile ago with that lighthouse and boatdock, fishing deck etc.

That huge city thing looked pimp though :<
Was it the one with the very organized grid pattern? Well, to bad, I already deleted the save Map of my world i'm working on coming soon, also, all the stuff i do now is legit, with normal mode on. I currently have 19blocks of diamond + 20 extras. Pretty cash stuff.
Originally Posted by Bio View Post
Was it the one with the very organized grid pattern? Well, to bad, I already deleted the save Map of my world i'm working on coming soon, also, all the stuff i do now is legit, with normal mode on. I currently have 19blocks of diamond + 20 extras. Pretty cash stuff.

Baw ;_;
Anyway, that's a lot of diamond. The most I ever had was 20 :3