I'm going sleep but I'll be tommorow,
I hope you guys going to be in-game ^.^

@Ave: Sexxy sig, just making me wet :v
@Inf: Gratz

Good Night.
You should make your sig fancy ave :3

I would of got a prize if there was no random wrist break -_-

In betting server -44 earning's D:

I haz 14.7k though so yay.
Hey all.

I was with my friends driving for pretty long.

Anyway. Nice to see that first post is fully updated.
Good that all ranks are solved now.

Box. In my opinion you are allowed to post as i didn't really see
Ave or inferno really saying that you are not allowed.

Really nice Vip pack Ave.

With Vip pack i mean everything. Avvy, sig and backround.

I'll come ingame now so see you there.
If there are any of you.

EDIT: Ok well. Sorry Box but rules are rules and i can't really change them. Still see you ingame mate.
Last edited by Zapekk; Jan 12, 2013 at 02:37 AM.

Originally Posted by InfernoXZ View Post
Box, delete your post. I told you that you weren't allowed to post here ingame. I'll report the post if need be.

You know my opinion, you know ave's opinion, you know everyones opinion, stop asking.

Just, yeah. I did tell him he couldn't post here. Also, I have a couple heads I might release free to Ethr. They're basic heads I got for around 1k and can't seem to sell as fast. What do you guys think?
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
Inf, you should sell them on [Ethr] art thing.

I love TF2... Lol

Mj, my game froze... The spar was bad anyways XD
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
I'm alway's the one people don't want to spar first :l

And yea we should use the clan shop more maybe make a new thread because the maker of the thread isn't in ethr anymore.

Have to wait an hour longer for my cousin to get here :l
loving my vip, if any of you wanna make me a background go ahead lol i need a new one i just got this one off of google

sorry box what inferno says goes :/

anyway ill have my laptop til monday so ill do bet servers all weekend
<~[i]Assazin> I'm 12 years old
<~[i]Assazin> My butt is underdeveloped
<~[i]Assazin> ok ok
<~[i]Assazin> I'm actually 9
<Click>Patrickooo Acting His Age<Click>
Ave is a fag for not having me in his sig.
When is ethr going to apply for official?
Ave shall not get his laptop taken away, I am calling his mother right now.
Also hello guys
Happy Halloween!!!!!
[u]Ultimate | Team Shit-ido | National GayTerrorist Club |Photoshop Corp.
R.I.P UNDEAD21, Beta, and Assazin
Nijia: Thanks. It's getting good ratings so far, and I'll post a video on my main channel about it soon and I'll get some more feedback.

Inf: DAYUM. The best thing I've ever won from a GMtourney was an Imperial Timer. Jesus Christ man. You won like 40k worth of shit.

Ave: That's really awesome man. Once I get VIP, I'll hopefully be a well known host because I'll be hosting ALL the time. And I'll pick an Ethr member to Co-host with me every time. Unless one is on, of course.
Oh, and nice music note. xD

I lost 7k in betting the other day, Ninja :l

Don't you think that's a little harsh Inf? I mean, he didn't have any reason to leave, and was kinda rude about it, but he should still be aloud to post here if he isn't going to be rude or not follow the rules. Imo, atleast. =P

Lol Beta. I already called his mamma. She called me a nigger and told me that Ave is at his uncle's house.
Oh, and we already applied for official, and Ave put you in his sig if you hadn't noticed. Lol

Thanks for the rankup, everone/anyone. I really like the new ranks. Kinda feels like back when I used to be in Ethr again. With Nyann being the only Co and all.
Not bashing on you, Zap. You are/were great as a Co, but Inf made a decision and I agree with it. I don't think it was anything you were doing wrong, more of how fast you got into the rank, Imo
Last edited by Clay; Jan 12, 2013 at 05:51 AM.